ii. time doesn't heal

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter two )
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter two )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| The days following were similar to their first day back, Jared would ignore everyone, everyone would gossip and theorise and beg Jess and Lyla for the 'inside scoop', while the girls would desperately try to find an explanation for Jared's sudden character development.

"What do your parents say about it?" Lyla asked as her and Jess wondered to their next class.

"Mom's convinced that it's just some kind of phase. She thinks he's just going through his rebellious teenage years in one year, since he's always been such a golden boy." Jess rolled her eyes, clearly thinking her mother was dismissing the issue at hand. "I keep telling her that this isn't a phase, it's a bloody possession or something - I mean, come on, it has to be something that ludicrous for him to change so drastically."

"Honestly, i'm running out of theories at this point, I might just have to bite into all of the 'cult' rumours." Lyla sighed, frustration lacing her voice.

"Hey, Lyla." Tyler's voice broke their conversation and he came to stand in front of the girls', bringing them to a stop. "Jess."

"What do you want, Tyler?" Lyla sighed, not in the mood for the cocky football captain or any of his jock friends who'd crowded round the girls.

"Same thing everyone wants, to know what's up with your little boyfriend." Tyler smirked, his friends chuckling along with him.

"I mean, you're his sister, right? Surely you're in on the secret? He's taking steroids, isn't he? I so called it." One of the guys chatted away, throwing his arm around a wide-eyed Jess as he addressed her.

"You didn't call it, I did. You girls can tell us, you know, we'll keep a secret." Another guy said in what he must have thought was a seductive voice.

"In fact, we'll join you and jacked-Jared popping the pills, because, let's be honest, you two are in this 'cult' too, right?" Another piped up, his voice dripping with cockiness.

Lyla caught Jess's panicked look, and instantly felt anger flaring through her towards the insensitive guys around them, who thought that just because they were attractive and popular, they could get anything they wanted out of anyone they wanted it from. She turned to Tyler.

"You really wanna know?" Lyla asked in a sugar sweet voice, twirling her hair around her finger as she leant on the lockers next to him, Tyler nodded smugly thinking his charm was working on her.

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