xxii. consulting with the enemy

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter twenty two )
★ 。 / | \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter twenty two )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Lyla eventually built up the strength to drag herself inside, coughs still scraping her throat, her hand hovering over the tender skin that was sure to bruise. She knew she needed to tell the Cullen's, to warn them about Victoria's very real threat to Bella, she just didn't want to go alone. Her thoughts immediately went to telling Paul first, but she knew he'd freak out, never let her out of his sight again, which also meant that the rest of the pack were out of the question - their mind link would immediately out her to Paul. Her next option was Bella, but that was soon dismissed too, the girl would do something stupid, worried that others would get hurt protecting her. That left going to visit the Cullen's alone her only option, the very thought of it made her stomach twist. Since sleep was out of the question for the girl at that moment, no matter how late it was, she grabbed her keys and jumped in her car, immediately setting off to her destination. She didn't know how to get there exactly, but Bella had pointed out the road with her longing stares a few times when they'd passed it when they used to hang out.

Finally, after finding that road, and driving about 10 minutes up the dirt road in the forest, she arrived at what she thought must be the destination. The Cullen's house was nothing like she expected, it was all windows and wood, elegance and beauty that matched its inhabitants. She nervously approached the door, her hand subconsciously hovering over her neck, where she was sure a bruise was already forming.

Lyla didn't even have to knock before the door opened, a girl whose features looked so pixie like that it was hard to believe that she was part of a monstrous species instead of a fairy. The girl looked at Lyla with worry, immediately pulling her into a hug that left Lyla shocked and rigid.

"I saw what happened, I'm sorry I was too late to get there." The girl spoke in her musical voice.

Lyla was speechless. "How-how did-" She tried to stutter out, her voice sounding hoarse and barely illegible.

"Alice has visions, she knew you would come." A man's voice interrupted, just as soft and melodic as the girl - Alice's.

Edward suddenly appeared out of no where, worry straining his face. "You saw her?"

Lyla nodded, slightly regretting coming here alone, without telling anyone where she was going. It dawned on her how seriously outnumbered she was.

"We won't hurt you." Edward assured, and at her alarmed look he elaborated. "I can read minds."

"Well, that's not creepy at all." She muttered, and then winced as her throat felt like it had been shredded as she forced the words out.

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