xxiix. battles beginning

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter twenty eight )
★ 。 / | \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter twenty eight )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| "I should go." Paul whispered to Lyla, his voice was sure but he didn't make a move to leave.

The last thing he wanted was to leave her bed, for her to leave his arms, but he knew he couldn't stay. Her uncle would be home soon, and Paul had to get back to the pack.

"I wish you didn't have to. I wish we could just stay like this." Lyla breathed out wistfully.

"Me too." Paul agreed.

"But you should go." Lyla sighed. "I can't imagine what Brian would do if he found you here."

"Is it weird that's scarier to me than the army of leeches I have to face tomorrow?" Paul joked.

"Yes." Lyla laughed, pushing herself up from where she was lying next to Paul, leaning on his chest so she could face him. "You'll be careful, won't you?"

"What do you take me for, Woodsen?" Paul asked with feigned offence.

"A reckless hothead." She replied with an arched brow.

"You got me there." Paul laughed. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"You don't know that." Lyla sighed, the fear in her eyes making Paul's gut twist in guilt - he hated that he was making her feel like that.

"Well, I've got a pretty good reason to come back in one piece." He said with a grin, pulling her into a kiss.

"Smooth, Lahote." Lyla rolled her eyes, though a fond smile played on her lips.

"So I've been told." He grinned.

"Hmm, I'm sure." With that, Lyla rolled off of him, getting up and ignoring the feeling of his eyes exploring her uncovered body.

"Now you're really making me want to stay." Paul groaned.

Lyla chuckled, though she felt tingles spread over her body as she remembered what they just did. She picked an oversized shirt from her draw, throwing it on.

"Isn't that mine?" Paul asked, a smile painted on his face.

"You left it here, that makes it mine now." Lyla told him.

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