xiii. death strikes

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter thirteen )
★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter thirteen )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| In the blink of an eye, the red-headed woman had disappeared, the sound of howling resounding in the distance only making the encounter more chilling. Lyla wasted no time, running back to her house, spooked to her core, the sound of her name on the woman's lips echoing round her head like the remnants of a nightmare. Naturally, the brunette wanted answers, her first thought after a restless night of not sleeping being to go to Bella's to demand answers, the woman had clearly known the Swan girl, and not in a good way. So, the next morning, Lyla borrowed her uncle's car - the man being out with Harry Clearwater and Charlie Swan - and drove to Bella's. She was aware, deep down, that she was obsessing over something she'd usually dismiss as a crazy but insignificant moment in her life, to distract her from the fact that she'd lost Jared, then Bella, then Paul, and then Jess, and had been left utterly and miserably alone. But perhaps a distraction was just what she needed.

As she pulled into the street, Bella's ghastly orange truck pulled out, the older girl not noticing Lyla and speeding along on her way. Being the impatient girl that she was, Lyla didn't feel like waiting for her answers, and followed Bella all the way to La Push beach. Lyla lost Bella as soon as the latter disappeared beyond the tree line surrounding one end of the beach. Lyla knew it was unlikely that she'd find Bella in the forest, there being too much ground to cover, so instead went her own way, not only wanting a peaceful walk but also hoping for some kind of answers.

She stumbled around aimlessly under the thick canopy of green, she had no idea what she was looking for but the feeling that came with wondering through such a beautiful and natural setting, with no particular destination in mind, was so peaceful she never wanted to leave.

The cracking of sticks under boots and the sound of voices pulled her from her mind, and she turned sharply, fear thrumming through her at the thought of another encounter like that of the night before.

"Lyla?" Charlie Swan's voice immediately eased her panic, though his clear confusion remained as he looked at her, a group of men holding rifles following in his footsteps.

"Oh, hi." She said with a guilty grin.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" The man asked.

"I just - uh, came for a hike." She told him, not wanting to snitch on Bella, even if they weren't on speaking terms at that moment.

"A hike?" He questioned incredulously, rubbing a hand down his face. "You girls are so reckless." He mumbled, presumably referencing Bella.

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