xxiv. wars to come

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter twenty four )
★ 。 / | \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter twenty four )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Things were good after Paul explained about the imprint. It lifted a guilt for Lyla, in a way, knowing that there was a reason for her being so drawn to Paul, that she wasn't a terrible person for going after her best friend's crush. It was comforting, to Lyla, to know that Paul would never leave her, that they were bound for life. She'd lost too many people one way or another already, and the fear that Paul would be next had been eating away at her since the day she realised how much she needed him. Because she did need him, so much ( though she'd have to swallow her pride to ever admit that ).

It was odd, she didn't feel surprised when Paul revealed the truth about them, it was more like everything fell into place. Like she'd always known, deep down, that her and Paul weren't destined to be nothing more than a high school romance.

However, even with the assurance that they were meant to be, Lyla still feared she would lose him — the pit in her stomach, the feeling that the whole tribe seemed to have of something coming, overwhelmed her. His job as a pack member - third in command, no less - was dangerous. Vampires were dangerous. Lyla knew that, and she knew that despite his strength, he wasn't invincible. She wasn't a stranger to death, but she knew that if anything were to happen to anyone in the pack it would break her — and if something were to happen to Paul? It would kill her.

Never did Lyla think she'd be okay with her happiness being so reliant on a guy — and she still wasn't okay with it, she hated that every moment he wasn't by her side her soul ached for him. But it was worth it. Paul was exactly what she needed, and never had that been clearer to her.

It scared her when she thought about how much her life had changed when Paul walked into it. How werewolves and vampires had become a part of her new reality. Half the time she thought she'd wake up and find that it was all a dream: a crazy and terrifying, but beautiful dream.

She was drawn from her thoughts by the shrill ring of her phone, and she would never admit that it was the thought that it may be Paul calling that got her out of her bed to grab her phone.

"Hey." She answered dully after seeing that it was, in fact, Jacob and not Paul.

"Hey." Jacob's voice rang out of the small device, oblivious to the girl's disappointment. "So, Bella invited us to her graduation party tonight."

"But...?" She recognised his tone, there was something he was hesitant to tell her.

"Well, for one, it's at the Cullen's place, and I know Paul won't want you going, but Embry and Quil are coming too, and-" He began to ramble, trying to convince her to come.

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