xxi. oxygen

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T O   B E T R U S T E D
( chapter twenty one )
★ 。 / | \ 。 ★
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter twenty one )★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Despite being easy to convince otherwise, Lyla knew she couldn't skip too much of school, and Sam and Emily insisted that the boys also continued prioritising their education, something that they complained about often.

"Seriously though, how can Sam and Emily expect us to 'appreciate the importance of school' when most nights we're patrolling the forest as giant wolves to hunt vampires?!" Jared ranted as he walked into school, his girlfriend and Paul and Lyla by his side.

"Because school is very important, what if one day, you actually stop turning into giant animals and have to get a job?" Kim reasoned.

"Maybe, but for right now, I would appreciate a lie in after a long night of working." Jared huffed.

"Dude, it was your night off last night." Paul scoffed, ignoring Jared's glare.

"What?" Kim turned on her boyfriend. "But when I asked you to study with me last night, you said you were too tired from patrolling!"

Lyla and Paul, the former tucked comfortably under the latter's arm, tried to smother their laughter at Jared's goldfish-like expression, the boy clearly trying to come up with a good excuse.

Kim dramatically huffed, crossing her arms before turning on her heel and storming away, Jared desperately chasing after her, squabbling out a train of excuses.

"Wow." Paul whistled. "The guy's a mess."

The pair were still laughing, mimicking Jared's expression as he was caught out in his lie.

"Poor guy." Lyla chuckled as they reached her locker, Paul leaning beside it and watching her. "Something tells me Kim won't forgive him easily."

"That's what he gets for lying to his imprint." Paul chuckled, before abruptly going rigid, his eyes widening and panic stricken face resembling Jared's from moments before.

"Imprint?" Lyla questioned, raising a brow at Paul's panicked face and his sudden lack of ability to maintain eye contact.

"Uh-what? Uh-" Luckily his struggle to make up an explanation was cut off by the bell, and he immediately took the opportunity to run off to class, barely sparing Lyla a glance in response to her confusion.

With the end of the school year fast approaching, the reality that she would be going into her senior year hit Lyla hard, and the thought of Paul, Jared and Kim graduating seemed to leave her at a slight loss.

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