xviii. cliff diving

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T O B E   T R U S T E D
( chapter eighteen)
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☆。 *。 ☆。★ 。 \   |   / 。 ★T O   B E   T R U S T E D( chapter eighteen)★ 。 /   |   \ 。 ★☆。 *。 ☆。

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* . °•| Lyla couldn't deny she was nervous about going back to school after spending the weekend hanging out with the pack. They'd made her laugh more than she had in months and they made her forget her guilt over leaving Jess - or at least, they shared in her guilt, lessening the burden. They'd all had to leave people behind in the dark, a price of their genes, and to keep others safe and out of their world. Lyla still didn't understand what her roll was in all of it, she knew there was a reason Paul was allowed to tell her, but she just couldn't figure it out, and he hadn't fessed up yet.

She was getting ready for school, putting a dot of mascara and concealer on when her phone buzzed. Paul was calling - his name alone on the screen was enough to make her smile, though she'd deny it if anyone ever asked.

"Hey." She answered. "What's up?"

"I'm outside." He told her and she could here the smug grin in his voice.

"No, you're not." She scoffed, but her eyes widened when she tuned in to the sound of an engine running. "Seriously, Paul?"

"What? I thought I'd pick you up, take you to school." He told her.

She groaned dramatically. "Fine, gimme a second." Lyla hung up without waiting for a response, collecting her things before rushing outside, yelling goodbye to her uncle.

She jumped into Paul's truck, turning to him with an arched brow.

"So, you're giving me lifts to school now? Any other perks of knowing the secret that I should know about?" She asked him playfully.

"Plenty, but you'll have to wait and see." He smirked, before taking off, driving to school.

They got out of the car once Paul had parked it in his unofficial spot next to Jared's, laughing and paying no mind to the nosey eyes that ogled them.

"Wait, so, that's how Bella found out?" Lyla laughed in disbelief. "She slapped you and you lost it?"

"I mean, yeah. You should never slap a shapeshifter." He advised her with mock seriousness.

"Oh, I'll bare that in mind." Lyla assured him with a roll of her eyes. "Good on Bella, I seriously never realised what a badass she was when I first met her."

"Hey! She slapped me, that's not badass, that's rude." Paul protested.

"You probably deserved it." Lyla scoffed, giving him a teasing smile. "And I'd definitely say you guys are even since you then tried to maul her."

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