Chapter 10

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(My latest drawing is above ^^^ It's ugly you bitch.)

"So, your telling me that the year is 1927?"

Al nodded in confirmation, his legs crossed with manner.

You sunk in your chair and muttered underneath your breath "Shit.." You ran a shaky hand through your hair.

Great, now there were two things that earned your stress. The fact that you were human, and that you went back in time to the 1900s.

You looked past Al and saw a deer head on the wall, you sneered at it. It reminded you of a special someone.

Al must have noticed because he asked,

"Do you like hunting?"

You looked back at Al's eyes and shrugged "I guess, it's okay.." His eyes lit up at your response. "Would you like to come with me to hunt this evening?" He asked.

You thought about it for a moment, if you went then it would be a good time to murder this man. He saw too much and you assumed that sometime soon you would change back to your demon form, but who knows?

You bit your lip "Sure," you narrowed your eyes down at him for a second at his next response.


You didn't like how the word rolled off his tongue, it held a meaning; a meaning you didn't like.

"Okay.." You said, "Can I use your restroom?" Al nodded and pointed down the hall "Down there to the right, dear." He said with a sinister smile.

You stood up and walked to the washroom, feeling Al's eyes on you.

You opened the bathroom door and stepped inside, it had clean white walls. Something about the restroom seemed suspicious to you though,

It smelled of hard core bleach and cleaning supplies, your eyes watered from it. "Lucifer, does he need to clean his bathroom this intensely?" You said to yourself.

Perhaps, he must have his reasons.

You looked in the mirror and saw a shadow behind you, "Ah, your still here." You said slightly irritated.

You can never get rid of me, I thought you learned that already?

You growled "Of course I know, you shithead." The shadow smirked.

Your figure stood in the mirror, you leaned to it and stared at your reflection.

You wore some type of 1920s outfit, it had pants with a dress shirt and suspenders.

The smell of bleach tickled your nose, you shut your eyes and sneezed.

Apparently, when you sneezed you gripped the counter with your bare hand.

And the counter, lit up.

In black flames.

"Shit!" You said and quickly moved your hand. Unfortunately the flames didn't get put out by that.

You looked around frantically but nothing was there to help put of your fire. There is nothing on Earth that can put of your hell flames.

You lifted your arm and snapped your fingers, the fire disappearing.

You sighed in relief, why didn't you just do that sooner?

You looked up in the mirror and saw your reflection once again,

But, in your demon form.

"Fucking finally.." You muttered with a narrowed glare at the mirror. It was better that you came back to your normal self earlier rather than later.

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