Chapter 18

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Your eyes flickered open, the same red sunlight shining through the balcony window. You growled and turned on your side, you grabbed your hell phone that was on the nightstand and looked at the time.

8:00 AM

You sighed and got up out of your bed, the warmth of the covers leaving you.

It's better to get up before Al does, he will try and murder you as soon as he wakes up and unfortunately you were not in the mood today. Actually, were you ever in the mood?

Your bare feet walked over to your bathroom, you went over to the shower and turned the water on.

You really needed this, a soothing shower to calm you down and steady your mind. Especially after yesterday, you glared at nothing once you recalled the events.

A sigh escaped from you once more and you stripped yourself from your clothes, stepping into the shower and letting the water hit your back.

You groaned of satisfaction to the feeling. After a while of staring at the ground and letting the water keep hitting you, you lifted a arm and sniffed yourself.

Alastor was right, you did smell like mortals.

Correction, you smelled like Al.

You rolled your eyes. Being around the human is getting out of hand, if his scent lingers on you everyday people will get suspicious.

Suddenly, a thought came to your mind.

Does Lucifer know that Al is here? In hell? He is the leader and ruler so wouldn't he know if some human just up and waltzed into his realm?

You grunted in annoyance and mumbled. "Fucking Al, always dragging me into shit." You remembered when you both were on Earth. Al would sometimes be chased by police cars or better yet,


// Flash Back //

You panted as you finished cutting up the dismembered corpse that laid in front of you.

A rustle was heard in the far off distance, probably Al, he said he would go find someone else to murder and it has been a while since then.

A part of you began to worry if he got caught, you would obviously save him with a flick of your wrist but still the anxiety ate at your heart.


You swiveled your head around to face the sound, a dog, here?

Red eyes squinted into the darkness, you trying to see the figure that you thought was the canine. Rushing footsteps were heard and you tilted your head in confusion.

Al suddenly ran through the darkness, breathing heavily and a panicked look on his face.

In less than a second he ran up to you and started rambling, you couldn't understand what he was saying by the speed of his words.

In attempt to calm him down you grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently. "Al, fucking calm down!" You shouted.

"What the hell happened?" You questioned.

Al panted before screaming in your face. "A DOG!"

Soon enough, a German Shepard came rushing through the thicket of the forest, bolting toward you both.

In a panic Al grabbed your wrist and began to run, you almost tripped over twigs and such. Al glanced behind him then back, he did that about 7 times. You were trailing behind him as he pulled you, the wind rushing in your face.

You heard the dog behind you bark and come closer.

"YOU DO KNOW IM A FUCKING WOLF DEMON, RIGHT?!?" You shouted. Al didn't hear you as he kept running, the grip on your wrist tight. This irritated you to the maximum and you ripped yourself from his hold.

Al halted at turned to you, about to grab the collar of your suit but you rushed forward to the dog.

In a blink of an eye, you snapped your fingers.

You figure went on all fours as you growled at the dog in front of you. The sound of bones snapping and shifting could be heard all around you.

Al cringed as he saw and heard you distort your body.

A deep growl emitted from your throat as you finished your transformation.

Your frame was much larger than your demon and human form combined. A long snout was rested on your face as dark f/c claws came out from your paws.

A dark pelt was on your skin, deep black, dark as the night. Your back was hunched slightly as well.

You were a massive black wolf.

The German Shepard whined in fear and it's tail went between it's legs. Your red eyes pierced into its green ones.

You growled once again, making the dog scurry away while trembling.

You turned your wolf head over to Al, his eyes were wide with fear. Your body walked over to him and he backed away slowly.

"Y/N..?" Al asked cautiously.

Well, can't blame him for being terrified. He doesn't seem to like dogs, so a giant wolf being right in front of him made him shit his pants.

Bones snapping and moving could be heard once again, in a flash of light you could be seen in your normal demon form. Al let out a breath of relief, putting a hand on his heart.

You got up from the ground and gripped Al's collar, pulling him down to your height.

"You ever go and try that shit with me again and I swear-" You started but got cut off by Al. "Sorry, Sorry!" He apologized frantically.

A sigh mixed with a groan came from you and you let go of Al.

"God, your such a pain in the ass."

// Flash Back Over //

You let out a hum of happiness as you remembered the small memory.

Claws ran through your hair, cleaning it with shampoo. Such good memories were made on Earth, now it was all gone, the pain that subsided came back but this time 10 times harder.

A throbbing in your head almost made you shriek in pain, you dropped to the ground and held your head. Images flashed through your mind like a slideshow, a ringing sound stung your ears.

Black tears fell from your eyes and landing on the bottom of the shower floor, mixing with the hot water.

A strangled sob came from your lips as it all hit you.

The time you spent on Earth, not once did those morning terrors haunt you, but since you had to be in Hell. They came back, worse than before.

After a couple minutes the pain died down, your brain began to clear the images that played in your head.

You shivered and curled into a ball, you hated feeling this way, so helpless. Anxiety started to fill your senses.

How can I protect Al if I can't even protect myself from fucking flashbacks? You thought.

Your head sunk down, before you pulled yourself up and finished your shower.

Today was the day, you had to sing.

You let a breath you didn't know you were holding as you finished drying off your body. "Just sing then leave, simple." You said to your reflection, in some attempt to calm yourself.

Oh, how wrong you were. Little did you know, this day was going to be filled with surprise, fear and last but not least,


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