Chapter 52

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She slapped you, Evangeline slapped you.

Your face was turned to the right, a stinging sensation on your cheek. Your eyes were wide like saucers but before you could say anything else she hugged you tight.

Coming back to the hotel, with Alastor after rampaging all over Hell was not an easy thing to do. Vaggie had lost some trust in you, thinking you had become even more short tempered and corrupted then you were already.

You had a nice reunion with them, Angel made sure to ask you every dirty detail of what happened when you and Alastor got together, not even knowing you both did the deed. Although it might have been obvious from both of yours apparent changes.

Alastor would not touch anyone, not even for the fun of making someone uncomfortable. He thought you purified his skin, with your warm smile and soft touch, and if anyone was to touch him it would ruin that beauty.

You only rolled your eyes to those actions.

Alastor and yourself entered your shared home, tired after all that social interaction.

As you were about to head up the stairs a certain deer grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest. You looked up at him slightly confused.

Just then soft jazz music started to play, you looked to the side to see it was coming from The Radio Demon's microphone that was standing by itself.

Alastor used his other hand to grab your chin, making you face him.

"Care for a dance, Mi Amor?"

You chuckled lightly and put your hands on his shoulders, his hands dropping to your waist.

The deer took a step back and you followed him, your bodies pressed together and dancing in perfect sync.

Your shadows even had fun, from out of the cornor of your eye you'd seen Alastor's shadow nuzzle yours.

A spin brought you to look back at The Radio Demon, as he dipped you down. You kissed his nose, making a suprised white sound come from his throat.

Coming back up, the song ended with a gentle beat. And Alastor hugged you tight, playing with bits of your hair.

"Hey, let's go upstairs and change, alright?"

The male nodded in agreement.


At the moment, you and The Radio Demon has just entered your bedroom. You flopped onto the bed and sighed, a bubbling feeling in your chest.


The male hummed to you in response as he took off his watch and set it on the dresser, shrugging off his coat to put in the closet.

"I'm happy."

Alastor stopped moving, frozen in place.

His head turned toward you, his eyes wide. Did you say happy? Happy? You of all people saying you're genuinely happy?

The feeling in your chest bubbled up more, and a chuckle followed through your throat. Soon, soft laughter filled the room.

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