Chapter 46

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// 2076 words. Why? Why not 1000 like usual? Because I've been gone for the past 4 days and not posted. Also, just to clarify, I've been sick. That's why I haven't posted. I haven't even been eating.
Anyway! Thank you all for your amazing words last chapter! It warmed my heart to read!
Oh, and, in this chapter I'm talking about schizophrenia, so I don't want to offend anyone if they do fee offended. I don't know much about the disorder but I tried my best to put it into words here.
Bye! Have fun reading! //

Jumping out of the building was the easy part, the hard part was landing. You almost broke your damn back, Evangeline almost broke her arms, and Darius is skilled at jumping out of windows apparently.

Right now, you all were running down the field that surrounded the 'fun house' you were just in.

"I- I see the gate!" Darius said. In the distance was a barb wired fence, it soon was right in front of you. The height of it was around 20 feet.

Your ears twitched as you heard a big gulp, you looked to your left to see Evangeline's frightened face.

"First time?" You asked cheekily.

The doe looked at you with shock. "I can't believe you are so relaxed about this, I'm so close to breaking down. Your confidence is terrifying, sweetie." She shuddered.

Darius elbowed you as he stood on your right. "Quit scaring the deer, Y/N." He snickered.

You glared at the dog demon and straightened out your partially torn and partially bloody hospital gown. You all needed to get over that fence, and quick. The sound of your fathers henchmen and blood hounds was becoming more noticeable and standing there making small talk was not the way you planned on going out a second time.

At this moment, your father didn't care on the outcome of which what would happen if he caught you. He just wanted you dead. And you would not die till you get to see the look on both Alastor's face when you show them their mother. It wasn't even an option to die at this point.

With a deep breath you backed up and jumped onto the fence, climbing it with almost no effort. Darius nodded at Evangeline and they too got onto the fence. As you all were at the top you could see the hellish buildings in the far off distance, maybe even Lucifer's castle.

A gunshot ripped through the air, and slammed right into your shoulder. The sheer force of it was enough for you to tumble down the other side of the fence, the sharp wires slashing the side of your leg.

You fell to the ground with harsh thud. The doe above you gasped and jumped down, doing a quick tuck and roll to avoid injuring herself. As she tried to lend you a hand to help, you waved her off and groggily sat up holding your right shoulder.

You looked over back to the fence, gritting your teeth in pain. Blood began to drip onto your lip from your nose.

"You're quite the problem."

Darius rushed down and offered to help you up, because of the demons already arriving to the fence. They held tasered guns, not being able to fire through the small holes so they kept them in their hands. One of them had a long horn poking out of their black mask, goggles covered their eyes. It almost looked like army equipment.

Your father, dare you even call him now, glared down at you. "Such a disappointing scene. I wonder how your mother would feel about this." He seethed. "Would she take the opportunity to kill you?"

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