Chapter 31

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You and Alastor still held each other awkwardly after Charlie left. Mostly due to the tense atmosphere.

You took in a deep breath but immediately regretted it.

A sweet, enriching smell tickled your nose. Smooth like vanilla and just the very air around you made your mouth drool.

"Move." You said and pushed Alastor away.

The deer let out a sharp radio sound at your harsh action but brushed it off, deciding to be the 'bigger person' and not engage in an argument.

You gritted your teeth shut to keep yourself from taking a bite out of the male and hopped off the counter, ignoring the painful stink it caused.

As you walked over to the side of your bed Alastor looked at you with curiosity. What in the world are you doing?

Your hand reached into the nightstand and you took out a bottle of pills, shaking one out of the container and popping it in your mouth.

Alastor slightly cringed when he heard you crush the pill with your teeth.

"No water?" He asked, somewhat disgusted.

You dryly gulped and turned back to him. "Nope." You sighed, the hunger in your stomach dissipating.

Suddenly, as if your brain had been triggered you remembered something, or someone.

You dashed to Alastor and pulled on his bow, coming to eye level with him.

"Where is Al."

The demon chuckled at your worry and detached you from him. "Don't you remember? You got into quite a heated fight with the human." A slim finger tapped the bottom of his chin. "Actually, he was the one who wounded you."

"He stabbed you."

Your heart dropped.


You quickly ran to your dresser and looked around for a suit to wear, because you're not going to leave this room with just a shirt and shorts.

While you frantically searched for an outfit, Alastor stared at you.

Gazing at your silky s/c skin, small cuts littered your arms and legs. A marking in a pattern that was a rope was around your ankles and wrists.

The Radio Demon's eyes narrowed at who could have caused those.

The males eyes traveled upward, admiring your thighs to your neck. He tilted his down and looked at the space between your neck and shoulder.

Your collarbone was visible as the shirt hung onto you loosely. Making a claw print stand out to Alastor, he raised his hand and glanced between his claw and the mark on your skin.

It was him. He did that to you.

The deer bit his lip in thought and looked back down to his claw, slowly taking off his glove and rolling up his sleeve.

A burn mark was wrapped around his wrist.

Caused by you.

"Aha! Found you, you fucker!"

You grabbed the suit and turned on your heel, seeing Alastor with a wide smile. He had already put everything back on, including his gentleman act.

You stood still for a moment, waiting for Alastor to leave.

"Well? Hurry up now so we can go, dear." Alastor smiled. You bit the inside of your cheek. "I'd prefer to change... without using my abilities."

The deer's eyebrows rose and he cleared his throat. "Alright then." He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

You grabbed your shirt and pulled it off your head, pulling down your shorts also.

After some time of changing you were done, you looked in the mirror of the bathroom, brushing your teeth and combing your hair.

Once you were satisfied with your appearance you walked out of the hotel room and into the hall where Alastor was waiting.

The main reason why you wanted to change instead of just snapping your fingers like you always do is because you were too weak to do that. Apparently, whatever fight you and Al had really wore you out.

The deer demon saw you come into view and flicked his wrist, making his microphone appear in his hands.

"Ready, dear?"

"I guess.."

Alastor tapped the ground with his cane and a red light shimmered around you both.

Then, you were teleported to a different hotel room.

You frantically looked around for Al, the room was dimly lit by the red light seeping through the window.

Finally, you spotted him sitting at the edge of his bed.


His head slowly turned to you.

"I-I don't know what happened, one second I was in the party room looking over things and then the next minute I'm sitting in my room with a goddamn stab woun-"

"You're dead to me."

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