Chapter 26

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With that sudden noise you quickly sat upright in your bed, prepared to murder whatever lunatic that decided to have a death wish.

"Y/N, my dear, Charlie acquires your presence!"

Oh, it's that lunatic.

You groaned and moved the sheets off your body, and swung your legs over to the side of the bed. You sat there for a moment.


You glanced at Alastor, and finally stood up. "I'm coming." You said and snapped your fingers, your nightwear transformed into your business suit.

With a flick of your wrist your bed had been done and your hair had been contained. You flattened down the side of your hair as you walked to the door.

Alastor moved to the side to let you through, his yellow smile wide as ever.

You walked by him and out the door, about to continue walking till you noticed Alastor still standing under the doorway.

You sighed and walked back over to him. "Alastor, let's go." The Radio Demon was still frozen.

Growling, you moved your head so you could see his face and..

Oh, boy,

Was it full of rage.

Confused, you stared into his radio dial eyes, waving a hand in front of his face. "Hello? It's not the time to be spacing out." You said bored.

Alastor slowly lifted his eyes to meet yours, his smile dark. "Y/N, dear..?" He asked. You suspiciously answered "Yes..?"

"Did you, come in close contact with the human?"

Your eyes widened, your jaw threatening to drop. How in the hell did he know?

"W-well, sometimes we like to try and kill each other, and last night we ended up attacking and rolling around all over the place so.." You said, trying your best to keep calm.

And just like that, his radio dials faded away. His smile became bright, but not too bright. "Oh, alright then."

Alastor started down the hall after shutting your door, leaving you to catch up. "Uhm, excuse me?" You said and tugged at the corner of Alastor's sleeve.

The male glanced down at you. "Why did you ask that so suddenly?" You questioned.

You both came to the end of the hall, where the elevators were.

"Because you have his scent on you." Alastor replied and pushed the button to the elevator.

Quickly, you lifted your suit collar and sniffed. And sure enough, you smelled like Al.


A ding resided and the elevator doors opened. Alastor stepped inside and looked at you, waiting for you to walk through the doors.

Frowning, you did so.

The doors shut and you pushed the button to the lobby. The machine started its descend downward, horrible music playing softly in the background.

"How did you and the human meet?" Alastor asked, his eyes never leaving the doors.

"Durning our fight when you stabbed me in my stomach I fell through one of my portals and somehow ended up in the past of the mortal realm.

"My memory of the first encounter is kind of foggy, but I think Al was walking through the woods and saw me.

"He took me to his house and fixed me up, and when I woke I thought about killing him.

Sweet Sense (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now