Chapter 25

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(You are not ready for this chapter guys. 😅)

You groaned and slammed your head down at your desk. It had been two weeks since Lucifer had told you Al was going to die in 1933 and you had been doing all nighters to prevent that future.

"Y/N?" Charlie asked as she cracked open the door to your room.

"Yes, Princess?" You answered and raised your head. Charlie carefully walked inside and closed the door behind her, she knows how much you hate outside noise. "I wanted to inform you that Al has gone back to his room."

A sigh came from you. "Thank you for letting me know, Charlie. It's important I keep track of his whereabouts."

Charlie scratched the back of her neck nervously. "Y-Y/N? If you don't mind me asking.. why don't you let Al come in here? Since you have to keep an eye on him isn't it the best that he stays with you?"

You turned around to face Charlie in your swivel chair, your arms crossed. "Let me ask you something. If you went to heaven as you are now, a born demon and it just so happen to be that the angels up there want to kill you but a certain person that let you have their trust was there helping you to stay hidden.

"Would it be best to look through their plans on keeping you safe? You might find something that is so incomprehensible that you will question everything you know and do.

Think about it, it's heaven we're talking about, who knows what goes on up there."

Charlie's eyes widened. "I-I never thought about it that way.." she sheepishly said. You turned back around to your desk.

"The ignorant never do."

Quickly, you glanced back at her. "Not that your ignorant." She only nodded.

"Anyway, have you found anything that could help you prevent Al's death?" Charlie asked and walked beside your desk.

You sighed and held your head in your hands. "No, I don't even know what the time is in their world. I have to check that first but since I went to Earth without Lucifer's permission I have to get an official to permit it."

Charlie smilies brightly and leaned forward to you. "I'm an official! I can let you go!" She beamed.

You looked up at her with wide eyes. "Really?"


With a quick move you stood up from your leathery chair and snap your fingers. "Back to the mortals I go." You said and glanced at Charlie. "It couldn't have been that long right?"

Charlie nodded rapidly.


Tmp Tmp

Charlie looked up, seeing you come out of a foggy red portal. She immediately stood up out of her chair and walked over to you. "So? What was the year?" She tilted her head.


Charlie started becoming more worried. "Y-Y/N? What was the year?"

No response.

Her heart sank into her stomach. "Please answer me Y/N.. w-what was the year..?" Her voice started to sound desperate.

"It was.." You looked up to meet Charlie's eyes, yours were dull and lifeless while hers held life and concern.


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