chapter 1

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I instantly felt an ache in my heart and I cried out in pain, my hand clasped to my chest. The three men in front of me looked on with some level of concern, but their expressions were incredibly hard to read. Gradually, the voices surrounding me became increasingly muffled and my vision became a blur. Just as my knees gave in to my weight, I felt a pair of arms surround me. I could faintly hear his voice, which was in a somewhat reassuring tone, but it was difficult to tell. Looking up, my eyes locked on a pair of deep red eyes as his words came into focus.

"Eliana, it is okay, you are safe, no one will hurt you..."

A terrified female voice startled me, sounding angered at whatever it was that was going on around me.

"Let her go Aro, please, just leave her alone!"

It was at that point where it felt like reality was fading away, like I was slowly falling away from existence entirely. The voices became much more alarmed than before, however my body simply too exhausted to notice.


My eyes remained closed as my eyelids felt too heavy to lift. While my body began to slip back into consciousness, I could hear a whispered conversation in the room.

"How long has she been like this for?" a familiar voice asked. It took me a few seconds, but not long, to realise this was Alice's.

"About 16 hours. We have been by her side the entire time, however she has not so much as stirred." Now this voice was definitely new to me. It had a slight feeling of anger to it, but it was somehow comforting.

Painfully, my eyes fluttered open, and my gaze landed on three male figures stood above me. I instantly identified them as the men I saw in the throne room, which was beyond confusing. What were they doing here? I'd been told of the Volturi leaders had no respect for human life whatsoever.

The raven-haired man knelt beside me, his hand held in mine. All of the muscles in my body urged me to pull away from him, but his eyes just seemed so familiar to me. It was then that I recognised himfrom the throne room, and I realised it was Aro.

I glanced over to the left of him where my gaze locked on the other two men, both with concerned expressions on their faces. I thought these people were supposed to be cold and unforgiving, but apparently not?

"Finally you've woken up, il mio amore, we were terribly worried about you," Aro spoke.

I glanced up to Alice, who was stood at the end of the bed, and gave her a puzzled look. She simply smiled, and said "We're glad you're okay."

'Okay' was an overstatement to say the least. I felt a pain surging up and down my body, and my head throbbed achingly. Surely this couldn't be happening. Who were these people to show so much concern about my wellbeing? I barely even knew who they were, and I only knew one of their names. Fed up of whatever it was that was going on, I gathered up all the energy I had left in me and attempted to sit myself up, but my head was only able to lift a few inches away from the pillow beneath it before it fell back.

"I would not bother with your feeble attempts at sitting up. You went through a lot yesterday, and using up any more of your energy will only cause you more pain."

My eyes glanced up to meet another pair of red eyes, belonging to a man with blonde hair and an air of anger about him.

"Can we get you anything?" Aro asked.

I was incredibly confused at this point, but he'd reminded me that I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. I opened my mouth to ask, but closed it again as it didn't feel appropriate.

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