chapter 16

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I called her over to the room I was staying in as she I spotted her crossing the landing. This was the first time I'd spoken to any of the Cullens since my argument with Bella, so she seemed to be a little wary of me.

"What's up Eli?"

"I've decided, um, how do I put this? I'm leaving Forks and going home. Tomorrow morning, I'm taking the next plane back to England."

"I know you will."

"Wait h- oh your ability, sorry I forget," I giggled lightly.

"Are you sure you really want to leave? Is there anything we can do?" she asked optimistically.

"It's not you, don't worry, it's just...these past few days have taken a toll on my emotions, my entire head feels like it's going to explode, and I just need time to mentally recover. Am I making any sense?"

"Of course, it completely makes sense. Again, I'm so happy for you! I can't believe you've found your true mates!" she squealed, jumping up and down.

"Ssh!" I hissed with a finger over my lips, trying not to draw too much attention to our conversation, "So, I was wondering if you would be okay with driving me to the airport?"

"Gladly, but I thought I'd let you know that Bella feels awful about everything and how she reacted. She would tell you herself, but she's stuck at home, grounded," Alice shrugged.

I hummed, not really knowing what to say to that. As much as I did want to sort things through with Bella, I'd prefer to make up with her properly i.e. face to face rather than through Alice.

"So, my flight leaves at seven in the morning, so would you be okay to drop me off at the airport by four o'clock?"

"Easy, set an alarm for three tomorrow!" she called, running down half of the stairs before leaping over the banister. That child.

Happy with my arrangements, I decided to head back into my room and pick up the chocolate lump from my suitcase, placing my phone in my back pocket. I headed downstairs in a much more sensible manner than Alice and walked over to the kitchen, the chocolate bag clutched in my hand.

"What's that?" Emmett's voice sounded.

"Chocolate, want some, vampire?" I quipped, spinning around on my heel to face him.

"Never, Mistress Volturi," he countered with a smirk.

"Then let me eat it in peace, thanks," I grabbed a bowl from one of the cupboards, dropped the massive lump of chocolate with a thud, and placed it in the microwave for thirty seconds.

Emmett broke the temporarily awkward silence, "So, you have three true mates?"

"Yeah, it's kinda crazy, and a little weird," I laughed.

"What are they like?"

"My mates?"

He hummed in response. I'd always been very awkward when it came to discussing my relationships, and the kings were no exception apparently.

"I mean, they're nice, and thoughtful I guess, and wealthy," I giggled timidly just as the microwave beeped, "yay, my chocolate is ready!"

I opened the door, the sweet chocolate scent filling up the entire room. Grabbing a spoon, I settled down at the kitchen table, Emmett gazing at my snack.

"Again, want some, vampire?" I offered my spoon over to him.

"I'm never making that mistake again," he held his palms out, "but seriously, what's it like being romantic with three guys?"

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