chapter 24

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My eyes fluttered open slowly, weighed down by my heavy eyelids. It took me a few seconds to actually register what the hell was happening or where the hell I was, until I remembered that it was the day after the graduation party and Bella had stayed for a sleepover. We'd stayed up until maybe four in the morning just chatting and acting like utter retards. Huh, fun times.

I went to get up but felt something preventing me from moving. Looking down, I noticed that Bella was sprawled across me, absolutely fast asleep. She muttered something about plants before rolling over so that she was blocking my way up even more. As carefully as possible, I manoeuvred myself out from underneath her and climbed out of bed, checking myself in the mirror. The night before, I'd changed into an oversized hoodie and shorts, and I honestly looked like a walking bin bag.

Once I'd pulled my hood over my head, I stumbled deliriously out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen. For some reason something felt off, but I couldn't be asked to find out what. A yawn escaped my lips while I reached for the fridge but, just before my hand made contact with the handle, a pair of arms suddenly encircled my waist from behind.


I tried to wriggle out of their grip, my heart racing out of my chest. I don't want to be kidnapped, not now, I'm too young to die-

"Carissima, breathe, it is just me."

I spun around on my heel so that my gaze met Caius, who gave me an amused expression. As soon as my slowly-functioning brain realised that I wasn't going to die, I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"Don't scare me like that," I murmured into him.

"What is happening?! Stay away from-"

The entire Cullen clan were now gathered behind us, as clearly my screaming frenzy had caught their attention. I cut Edward off mid-sentence, pulling away from Caius' embrace.

"Edward, chill, its fine-" I outstretched an arm to hold him back just before my own sentence was cut off by Caius, who was now trying to snap back at Edward.

"You do not tell me what to do, you pathetic-"

"Caius, chill babe," I placed a reassuring hand on his chest, attempting to push him back, but for obvious reasons he didn't budge.

At that perfect timing, Bella's light footsteps carefully sounded down the stairs and into the room. She let out a peaceful yawn, staring at the ground as she wandered in while looking more relaxed than ever. I wondered how long it would take her to notice what was happening around her.

"Can you keep it down? I was trying to sleep..." she trailed off as she lifted her head so that her gaze met the kings.

All of a sudden, she leapt over to Edward with a yelp, clinging onto his side for dear life. In her defence, it's not every day you wake up and wander downstairs to be met by three powerful emo vampires who have previously attempted to kill you.

"You again, you shameful-"

"Caius, come on, please don't do this now," I hugged him again in a weak attempt to calm him down.

"It is wonderful to see you again, Isabella," Aro's voice chimed in joyously from behind Caius.

I stepped around Caius and handed Aro my hand to read all of my recent thoughts and memories. After a few seconds, he pulled away with a light chuckle, still holding my hand tightly.

"Of course, young Bella," he bowed his head lightly, giving me a knowing look.

There was an awkward silence between everyone in the room, most of them staring at me in shock of my close proximity to the kings more than anything. Finally, Carlisle broke the silence.

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