chapter 39

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Warning: This chapter is rated MA 18+ and contains sexual activity between two consenting adults. If you're not comfortable with this, feel free to skip to the next chapter, but hey, you do you.

For the next few days, to say I was bored would be an understatement. There'd been an issue with the dungeons overcrowding a little, so there was to be four days of back-to-back trials, releases, and executions. So, not only did I not have my mates around, but the entire guard was needed due to the sheer volume of vampires being brought through for trial.

The first day wasn't too bad, mind you. It gave me a chance to properly settle into my room, sort through my clothes and makeup, and nose around to see all of the little perks the room came with, such as the lights in my bathroom mirror which I accidentally discovered while poking around at the tiled walls.

It was on the second day of boring isolation that I received a phone call from the Cullens, Alice's familiar excited voice squealing on the other end of the line.

"Eli! You picked up!" she yelled.

"Why wouldn't I? There's nothing to do around here," I groaned into the phone.

"We have news, really exciting news, you'll love this news, it's really-"

"Cut to the chase, pixie," I snapped.

"Wow, you really are bored over there," she snorted with laughter, "actually, I'll get Bella to tell you the news."

I silently facepalmed during the muffled rustling while she handed the phone to Bella. "Eli?"

"Yeah, hey Bells, so what's the news then?" I asked.

"Okay, so...Edward and I got engaged," I could almost hear her smile through the phone. Aw, she adored that boy.

"Seriously?!" I leapt onto my bed, "Holy-moly, congratulations Bella!"

"Thank you, the invitations to the wedding are going out soon. I'm telling you earlier because I was wondering," she hesitated.

"Spill bitch," I joked.

"Hey, let me finish," she laughed under her breath, "I was hoping you'd want to be a bridesmaid?"

"Are you crazy? Of course I would! This is the best news I've heard all day, I'm so happy for you!" I squealed excitedly in a similar fashion to Alice.

"You are going to come to the wedding, right?" she asked.

"As if I would miss out on that, seriously, come on Bella. When will it be roughly, then?"

"During August I think, the date still hasn't been set in stone yet," she responded, "Will you bring your mates?"

"I mean, yeah, unless you don't want them to come, then I can talk them into staying behind. Either way, wherever I am, there will be Volturi guard nearby."

"No, no, they can come if they want. This is gonna be fun!" she seemed slightly put off with the thought of the Volturi being there.

"Bells, this is your wedding, so if you really don't want them to come, I can always-"

"No it's fine, I'm looking forward to it," she assured half-heartedly, "so how are things in Italy?"

"Great, yeah. The Volturi guard are really sweet when you get to know them actually, except maybe Jane, my mates and I have become much closer, and I'm moving in permanently very soon."

"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me this?"

I paused. "Are you...annoyed at me? Or..."

"Don't be silly, I'm happy for you! That's really great, you're going to be an Italian vampire now," she responded happily.

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