chapter 42

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I was sat in the backseat of the BMW between Aro and Marcus while Caius had taken it upon himself to drive us to Emilie's house. I'd given him very clear directions and provided him with the address and even a map of where it was, yet still he managed to get us lost, so we circled around her block again, and again, and again. When we did eventually find her house, he couldn't find a parking space, prompting some minor road rage between him and some guy on his motorbike that had used up the last free space.

Once we were finally parked, Caius began to reach for the door handle. "Stop," I held my hand up, "I think maybe it would be smart if I didn't walk around telling everyone I have three boyfriends."

"Ah, but it is always more fun that way," Aro laughed sarcastically.

I shook my head at him before continuing. "So, I've decided that Caius will act as my 'boyfriend' because he is closest to my age physically," I turned to him sternly, "don't blow your chances on this blondie, or I'll replace you easy."

Usually Caius would be a little annoyed at my 'attitude', but he seemed too pleased with the news that he would be the one to walk around with me to be angry. Aro and Marcus, however, were visibly disappointed, although they tried very hard to hide it.

Marcus climbed out from my right and held the car door open for me to assist me out. Either way, I stumbled a little at the curb, only to be caught by Aro before I had the chance to trip over. Caius didn't hesitate to wrap his right arm possessively around my waist and lead me up to the front door with Marcus and Aro both trailing behind with their shoulders subtly slumped over.

When Emilie said 'party', I didn't think she meant turning her entire house into some kind of nightclub. The constantly flashing strobe lights hurt my eyes a little and painfully loud electronic music blared from the massive speaker system she had set up in the corner of her front room. If anything, looking around at some of the other girls here, I felt overdressed. Caius seemed marginally disgusted at the drunkenness of some of the people in the room as almost everyone seemed to be carrying a bottle of beer or a red plastic cup.

"Eli-Eli-Eli, hey gorgeous!" One of my friends, Chloe, stumbled over to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders tightly, offering me her plastic cup, "want some?"

"What is it?" I yelled over the deafening music.

"Vodka, it's incredible girl," she downed it in one gulp, "catch you later!" she called as she spotted someone else in the dense crowd of people.

"Who was that?" Caius spoke as close to my ear as possible so I could hear him.

"Chloe, yeah, she's always the first one to lose all sense at these kinda things," I laughed.

Marcus stepped over beside me. "You are not planning on drinking, are you?"

"Hell no, you have no idea the kind of guys Emilie has invited and what they do to some of the drinks here. Look, that guy over there, the one talking to the girl with the purple hair," I pointed into the crowd, "his name is Ethan, and he cooks drugs into a bunch of baked goods and distributes them to people. I almost took a cupcake from him once, now that could've ended badly."

"What did I tell you, Aro? Stupid, that pathetic adolescent boy had the balls to attempt to drug my little mate, and goodness knows whatever other disgusting intentions he had planned towards her!" Caius barked, his grip on my waist tightening considerably.

"Now, now, brother, no harm was done, no matter the intentions," Aro spoke calmly but still raised his voice so I could hear their conversation.

"Everyone thinks he's a dick, don't worry. He probably just gatecrashed this party, so I give you full permission to feed on him," I giggled, taking Caius' cold hand and leading him through the crowd, "let's go meet people."

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