chapter 27

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"Are you sure about this?"

"Sure as sure, yeah, let's do this!" I answered over-enthusiastically.

Considering I was technically the future queen of the Volturi despite still being human, my mates decided it a good idea to bring me into one of their trials, not to get involved or anything, but simply to sit back and observe. Today, I'd been told that there were a few minor crimes to be dealt with, including inconspicuous killings, vampires drawing attention to themselves, and out-of-control newborns. While the kings all had thrones to park their arses on, the only place I could really sit was across Caius lap, my legs dangling over the arm rest. Jane was stood right beside us, just inches away from me. She had a defensive stance, which I found pretty hilarious considering how much of a pipsqueak she was compared to literally everyone else in the room.

"Uh, should I be worried that Jane is standing in front of me like some kind of personal bodyguard?" I laughed awkwardly to lift the tension.

"It is simply a precaution. Do not worry, these next few trials should be relatively uneventful." Aro assured.

"Are you excited, carissima?" Caius smiled amusedly at my increasing heart rate.

"Yeah, I love a good bit of vampiric law in action," I replied, earning a light chuckle from Marcus.

The doors to the throne room suddenly burst open as Demetri and Felix walked in restraining a male vampire. His dark brown hair was matted and dirty, his combat-style clothing slightly stained and worn away. He was quite largely built, just a little taller than Demetri and definitely more buff, and he seemed to have the appearance of a twenty year old. His pale skin contrasted to his blood red eyes which scanned the room hungrily, making me a little nervous as I swallowed back a whimper.

Aro stood from his throne confidently, striding over to him with another one of his forced and unnerving smiles plastered on his face.

"Ah, Octavius, quite the spectacle you made of yourself last month," Aro laughed as if it was a fond memory, "Would you mind terribly if I were to take a quick look?" he extended his hand out.

Octavius ignored him, alertly glancing around the room before his steely gaze fixed on me. "You have a human here? A little in-trial snack?" he growled lowly with a thick Italian accent as he tipped his head slightly to the side.

Jane took a side-step to the right so her form blocked him from me, while Caius tightened his grip around my waist on his lap, all three kings snarling at him.

"I see, she is with you? Oh, I should have known, of course the Volturi would be ballsy enough to break their own little law," his face twisted into a menacing grin.

"Don't you dare even consider laying a finger on her. She is not to be harmed, she is your future queen," Aro commanded, stepping backwards to shield me.

"Oh, but what a helpless, fragile girl she is, un uccellino, how adorable," he sniffed the air, "And her blood, I am sure it tastes just as sweet as it smells."

With that, he pounced, jerking himself away from Demetri and Felix and pacing towards me. Just before he had the chance to reach out and sink his teeth into my flesh, Jane muttered the word "pain" and he keeled over onto the marble ground on his knees, his face contorting in agony. Within a blink of an eye, Caius had placed me down on Marcus' lap and was stood in front of Octavius, Demetri and Felix stood either side gripping his arms.

"Do not look, cara mia," Aro instructed, attempting to avert my eyes from the scene.

"Keep your eyes on me, focus on me, do not look, please il mio amore," Marcus spoke, but I couldn't listen.

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