chapter 48

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The next three days were hell, not just that but hell on steroids. From what I'd heard from Santiago and Afton, things were going pretty damn terrible outside of my room. Apparently, the kings were on an absolute rampage, which included several executions without a fair trial and many items of furniture being destroyed. Even the guard were wary of them, and Santiago even spotted Jane ducking away from Caius in the corridor once. I was desperate to leave this confinement and finally fix this mess I'd gotten everyone in to, but that wasn't an option.

To make matters worse, there was a consistent tugging at my heart, and not the good kind like whenever I was closer to one of the kings. No, these tugs felt like they were eating away at me, filled with their self-loathing and regret, which lead to frequent emotional outbursts from me to the point where my eyes were almost permanently red and blotchy.

During my time in my room, Afton was the one who usually brought my meals up from the kitchens, but I'd really lost my appetite. Santiago helped me plan what I would say and who I would talk to in the faint hope that this whole situation could blow over.

Finally the day came, and I was beyond nervous. The plan was to speak to Marcus first, considering he was the least likely to accidentally rip my head off in an angry frenzy. I was stood just down his corridor at the foot of the spiral staircase.

"Deep breaths, you've got this dude," Santiago assured me.

"Just remember; polite, sweet apology, and if that doesn't work out, seduce him," Afton added.

"Aw, the support I'm receiving here," I placed a hand over my heart sarcastically, "touched."

Afton simply winked and nudged me up the stairs. Like Aro's quarters, Marcus' were at the top step of a long spiralled staircase which was so dark I often tripped. Taking in a sharp breath, I knocked on the door lightly three times.


After debating with myself for a few moments, I held my breath and opened the door slowly to find Marcus sat quietly on his sofa. In his hand was some random book and he seemed pretty relaxed, yet he didn't react at all to my presence.

"Marcus?" I tried to get his attention.

Still nothing.

Cautiously, I edged over to his sofa to sit beside him with my left leg curled up underneath me. "Look, I just wanted to apologise for what happened before. I never intended to leave without telling you. In fact, I wasn't leaving you at all, I was just going out shopping with Chelsea and Corin. Anyway, I'm sorry if I worried you, I probably should've told you before leaving."

He didn't react at all, simply turning to the next page in his book. Damn, that was cold, even for Marcus. I placed a hand on his thigh hoping that maybe he'd react to my touch, but still no response.

"You're really going to stay silent?" I raised an eyebrow, "Nothing? Not even a little apology for locking me in my room for three days?"

I flipped over a few pages in his book so that, even if it pissed him off, at least I'd have his attention. But no, he simply flipped it back to the page he was on and continued reading. Then I tried to shove him as hard as possible but, of course, that didn't achieve anything, instead causing a painful tingle to spread through my muscles.

What was it Afton said? Oh yeah, seduce him.

There wasn't much space due to his arm extended out in front of him with his book, but I managed to sit myself so that I was straddled on his lap. Again, he simply didn't acknowledge at all that I was sat there. I even tried trailing kisses along his jaw and grinding my hips into his, but still nothing.

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