chapter 49

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Their pathetic, unnecessary silent-treatment went on for a few days, a few horrendous days. On the plus side, Chelsea and Corin's punishment had been removed which the pair was very thankful for, so maybe I was getting somewhere.

I spent every day trying to get their attention, but literally nothing worked. At first, I just continued pestering them, then I progressed to playing 'My Neck, My Back' on repeat to Caius but he just walked away, and I even tried very hard to seduce them, but it was as if I genuinely wasn't there. Why they were acting like a bunch of losers and man-babies, I didn't know, but I was seriously getting desperate. I didn't even know what they were trying to achieve at this point. An apology from me? Already given, several times. Me in pain? Continuously, literally every time they rejected me.

It got to the point where I started questioning why I was even trying. Did they love me? What if this whole true mate stuff was just made-up bullshit? If they really cared about me in the slightest, why were they treating me like I meant nothing to the world? Maybe they just got bored of their previous wives and wanted someone new to take their place, maybe they truly didn't give a fuck about me. Now I really did want to leave them, I mean, I could've probably gotten Santiago or whoever to help me sneak out, I could move in with the Cullens or the Denalis or something...

I stood up from my bed. "I'm going."

"You're what?" Afton peered over his book at me.

"If I don't get a reaction from them this time, I'm leaving this hell hole, tomorrow," I announced.

He stood up panicked. "Eli, no, you can't do this, what about-"

"About what? What's left for me here? I have supposed true mates who have too much self-pride to admit they're dicks, and the guard who quite frankly can't help me now. I have nothing left to lose," I shrugged.

"Come on," he pleaded, "this thing will blow over, and-"

"Will it though? Will it? Because I've been promised that for a week now, and look where we are," I let out a manic laugh and gestured around me wildly, "I'm sitting depressed in a dark, cold castle in Italy, while I could be thriving with the Cullens or Denalis or whoever, I don't care to be honest!"

"Please, just think this through, you'd really leave?" he raised an eyebrow.

I paused. "Yes, I'm sick of this bullshit, and I have plenty of places I could go. Why should I stay here if I'm being treated like I'm worthless? There's a whole world out there, Afton."

He sighed. "I'll support you in this, El, and I'm sure the rest of the guard will too, but only if you are absolutely certain that is what you want to do. You truly want to leave Volterra behind and join a different coven, or alternatively start a completely normal human life?"

I inhaled sharply. "Yes, yes I do. First, I want to give them one more chance, though. If this goes south, I'm packing a bag."

With that, I mustered up all the confidence I could gather and strode out of my room. I assumed they'd probably be in their quarters or something, but when I walked past Aro's office, I heard their voices echoing through the corridor. Ugh, I'd missed the sound their perfect, angel-like voices. No, stop thinking like that, you're leaving, remember?

I couldn't hear what they were talking about at all due to the door being closed, but it seemed like a pretty heated discussion, so heated that even Marcus was getting involved which was a rarity. They suddenly stopped talking for some reason. Damn it, stupid heartbeat, why did I have to be so alive?

Now that they knew I was there, I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, strolling over and sitting myself down on the sofa beside Marcus. They all stayed in absolute silence and ensured their gazes were aimed anywhere but at me. Way to make things awkward.

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