chapter 35

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"I don't believe you have ever seen my quarters," Aro held my hand and led me down the dimly lit corridors.

"Can't say I have," I giggled as he placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the end of the corridor, up a staircase on the left, and into the room at the top.

"You seem to giggle a lot," he noted lightly.

"It's a thing, I can't help it," I blushed, "It also acts as a coping mechanism. When I found out my hamster died when I was twelve, I burst out laughing and fell onto the floor. Sorry if it annoys you a little-"

"Not at all, bellissima, your laugh is music to my ears," he smiled and held the door open for me, allowing me to enter first.

His quarters were a little bigger than Marcus' or Caius', with a grand piano in one corner and various other musical instruments dotted around. By the large window at the end of the room was his desk, which was a littered with letters and documents.

I seated myself on Aro's sofa with my legs curled up underneath me and he sat beside me, his fingers curling around mine. He opened his arms slightly and I leant into his embrace comfortably while he pulled me onto his lap.

"Question: why do you have beds?" I asked him.

He paused for a second. "Recreational purposes. Furniture is almost always broken due to our phenomenal strength, but beds are easiest to replace."

"'re that strong?"

"It is the only reason why I am reluctant to..." he trailed off, "...with you. I have to use an incredible amount of self-control as it is to surround myself with you, cara mia. There is a very small difference in force between me stroking your hair and snapping your neck. I would never forgive myself if I hurt you in that way."

"You only have to wait, what, three more years?" I laughed.

He chuckled lightly, pressing a kiss to my nose. "If I managed to cope for three thousand years, I am certain I will make it through three more."

"Three thousand years," I repeated to myself in disbelief, "that's insane. So you're technically an elderly man. I'm in love with three elderly men."

"Do not think about my age in that manner, I will remain the same physical age eternally."

"Even if you were a frail old man, I'd love you in anyway," I ran my fingers through his soft black hair, "what would happen if I didn't become immortal? If I lived as a human for the rest of my life?"

He took an unnecessarily sharp breath. "We would continue to adore you for every second of your life but, once you'd hit the inevitable end of your life, we would end with you," he responded simply.

"Please don't talk like that," I hugged him tightly, nuzzling up against the crook of his neck, "the thought of hurts me so much."

"It hurts me too," he shrugged, "but I thought it best if I answered your question regardless."

I softly kissed his cheek. "Another question, and this one's kinda random: how many people have you ever killed?"

He chuckled. "That is not a number I calculate, nor am I willing to. Most likely over one hundred thousand, but I do not keep track accurately."

"See, that's what makes you psychopathic. I know I already call Caius 'albino bunny', but maybe I should start calling you 'my little psychopath'-"

Before I knew it, I was tackled down on my back on the sofa, Aro hovering above me while pinning my arms down easily with his left hand. His hair completely surrounded us and a smirk played on his face. Wow, his smirk is hot, damn. Wait, he can read my- oh.

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