chapter 9

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"So, what do you guys want to do now?"

The movie was finally over and the rest of the guard were gone, leaving only me, Afton, and Santiago left in the room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the time, 18:02, before tipping the bucket of popcorn upside down to empty the rest of the contents into my mouth.

"I honestly don't care dude, but we could always watch another Star Wars movie," Santiago suggested with his legs up on the table, a look of hope on his face.

"You already know my answer to that," I narrowed my eyes at him, "so what rooms does this castle have then?"

"Well, there's the game room, which you've already seen, all of the living quarters, the gardens, the kitchen, the training and fitness room-"

"Fitness room?"

"Yes, usually we use it for combat training, but there is also a general exercising area. We can go if you want," Afton offered.

Come to think about it, I hadn't exercised for a week since I arrived, and it showed. I'd always been a little body conscious, wary of wearing clothing that was too revealing, and I couldn't exactly call myself skinny. Maybe closer to normal sized, but recently I really needed to work out and for once get off of my lazy ass.

"Let's do it then, but we're stopping at my room first," I replied.


I tilted my head at him and gestured to my current outfit; a thin blouse and skinny ripped jeans. Suffice to say I wasn't exactly 'work out ready'.

"Fine," he sighed, "your room and then the training room."

I jumped straight to my feet and skipped to the door, still on a sugar high from the bucket-worth of M&Ms I'd consumed. The other two followed behind me, surprised that I actually knew the way. In fairness, Demetri had led us from my room to the guards' quarters that morning, so it would only make sense if I remembered the way back.

We arrived and I closed the door behind me for privacy before flinging open the doors to my wardrobe. I rummaged through the bottoms, sure that I'd spotted leggings or shorts at some point, before pulling out a pair of black fitness leggings and tossing it over my shoulder. I also managed to find a matching black sports bra, but the amount of midriff it showed made me feel slightly on edge, so I threw on a basic zip-up grey hoodie and a pair of Nike trainers. Mildly satisfied with my appearance, I strutted out of the door, grabbing my iPod from my dresser.

"You ready?" Afton asked.

"Hell yeah, let's go!" I yelled, jumping up in the air. The energy from all those e-numbers and sugar was still cursing through my veins, and I was loving every moment of it. Afton led the way, me and Santiago left trailing behind.

"Do vampires exercise then, or what?" I asked him.

"Exercise? No, instead we train."

"Isn't that, like, exactly the same thing?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Psh, not even close dude," he chuckled as we strolled down several flights of stairs. This in itself felt like a workout for me, and I dreaded to think how I was going to make it back up again. Afton unlocked a wooden door, pushing it open to reveal what I would definitely class as a gym, no matter what Santiago says. One wall acted as a mirror, while a bunch of fitness equipment was spread out across the room. I headed over to a large speaker in the corner and plugged in my iPod.

"Eli, no." Afton had his arms crossed behind me.

"Please?" I begged.

"I said no."

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