chapter 28

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By the time I woke up the next morning, my head was throbbing with a dull ache. I'd spent most of the evening before with Renata before falling asleep, but I hadn't even gotten dressed before going to bed, still in my normal clothes. I groaned loudly at the blinding sunlight streaming through the window, face-planting into the nearest pillow.

"'Sir Afton of the Volturi, would you be so kind as to close the curtain for me?', 'Of course, queen Eliana of the Volturi, it would be an honour'"

"Do you ever shut up?" I snarked, muffled by my face pressed up against the pillow. I didn't even have to look up to know it was Afton.

"Yes, I am back, I don't blame you for your life being simply incomplete without me," he responded, "Also, I'd forgotten how humans sleep until just now, do you all make snoring sounds?"

I sat up and launched a pillow across the room at him which he caught easily. He smirked as I fell back, realising that I'd just hurled the pillow I was using and now had nothing to rest my head on.

"You happy now? You have my pillow."

"Want it back?" he taunted by waving it in front of my face.

"Give it," I hissed as I reached out for it, just for him to pull it away from my reach and above his head with his crazy vampire speed, "You're a dick, you know that?"

He ignored my comment and settled back on one of the grey beanbags by my TV. "Now that you're awake," some random song started playing, "say hello to Kelly Clarkson."

"I should tell Chelsea about your little crush," I teased.

"It's not a crush!" he yelled.

I giggled, placing a hand over my mouth. "Of course not, just an unhealthy obsession. Anyway, where did you get the speaker from? Caius-"

"Destroyed yours? Yeah, Corin told me."

"Corin? How the hell does Corin know? She wasn't even on the plane!"

"What can I say? Word spreads fast within the guard," he shrugged, "this one's mine," he glanced pointedly at the much larger royal blue coloured speaker sat on my desk.

"I didn't even realise you elderly vampires used any technology," I laughed.

Climbing out of bed, I went over to my wardrobe and decided to pick out an outfit. Something good for warm weather; the sun was beating down like the apocalypse outside. In the end, I settled on a pair of denim shorts, a white t-shirt, a light grey hair bandana, and a pair of Converse shoes. Afton made a remark about my outfit being 'edgy', but in response I flipped him off and locked the door to the bathroom to get dressed.

I went over to the sink and pulled out the box of contraceptive pills I'd brought with me. I really took them for my period more than anything, but still it was a good precaution to take, just in case I did get pregnant on the off chance. Not that I would anytime soon, as sex wasn't even something I'd remotely considered yet. Opening the pack, I realised I only had one left. Shit.

Once I came back out of the bathroom, Afton was flicking through TV channels boredly, eventually settling on some kind of Italian kids show with a bunch of grown adults dressed as children and singing nursery rhymes.

"Afton, don't take it personally, but what the fuck? Are you mentally okay?" I raised an eyebrow pointedly at the TV.

"Is anyone?" he turned off the TV quickly, "By the way, Renata said you had an existential crisis last night."

"Did she now? Yeah, it was a...weird evening yesterday to say the least."

"Do go on," he sat back, grabbing a notepad off my desk like some kind of therapist.

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