chapter 26

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I was woken up from my blissful sleep by the sunlight brightly streaming through the window and onto my bed. Wait, when did the light from the window ever reach my bed before?

Sitting up with my weight propped up on my elbows, I realised that my entire room had been completely remodelled, all the furniture rearranged and replaced. How I'd missed this the night before remained a mystery to me. The walls were no longer a blood red colour but now white, and the window now stretched from ceiling to floor which gave a pretty damn awesome view of Volterra. My bed, which had previously been a king-sized bed with a mahogany headboard, was even bigger if that was possible, the headboard a smooth white colour while I drowned in pillows and blankets. I'd also apparently gained a vanity, which contained all of the makeup items I'd been given, and a desk, both painted white. In the corner of the room where the armchair used to be was a flat-screen TV, surrounded by a grey leather loveseat and two small grey beanbags. The only parts of my room which remained the same were my wardrobe, the same clothes as I'd left, and the bathroom.

Climbing out of my massive bed and untangling myself from the many sheets and blankets, I took a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt out of my wardrobe and went into the bathroom to change. I'd been provided with a new electric toothbrush apparently, as well as a new hairbrush, which did make things a little easier for me. Once I was finally ready, I unlocked the bathroom door and strolled out, pausing just as I spotted Chelsea sat comfortably in one of the chairs by the TV with the remote in her hand, scrolling through all of the channels which seemed to mostly be in Italian.

"Um, Chelsea?"

"Eli, you're back!"

She immediately leapt up onto her feet excitedly and ran at me, pulling me into another one of her suffocating hugs, this one way tighter than last time. This deathly embrace to last for a while before I managed to yank myself out of her grip, taking deep breaths so that the oxygen would flow back to my brain.

"I've missed you so much, you have no idea," she squealed, holding my hands tightly.

"You too, what are you doing here then?" I asked.

"The guard are all over in the game room, we're going to play Cards Against Humanity. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come and drag you down against your will if you said no," she responded with honesty.

"Well, why not then," I shrugged with an eye roll as she led me by the arm out of the room and down to the game room, "Quick question: What happened to my room?"

"The makeover? Yeah, the Masters wanted to make you feel more comfortable and at-home so they decided to redo the whole thing. I heard that apparently Esme Cullen designed most of it. You're friends with her, right?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm pretty close with the Cullens."

"Do you like your new room then?"

"I love it actually, it's pretty much perfect," I paused, "the bed is massive though."

"It's better to have a bed that's too large than too small," she shrugged.

"Hmm, agreed, besides the fact that I literally end up drowning in pillows and blankets during the night," I giggled, "By the way, where's Afton then? I haven't seen him around yet," I asked her.

"Oh, he's been sent on a task with a few lower guards for a couple of days by Master Caius, something about fire maybe, or wolves. I don't know really, I wasn't listening. Anyway, he'll be back tonight if I remember correctly, but for now everyone else is still here," she smiled, "here we are then," she called, pushing the game room door open.

There were maybe fifteen guard members gathered in one corner of the room with Cards Against Humanity cards in their hands, including Felix, Demetri, Corin, Santiago, Renata, and funnily enough, the twins. It seemed Felix was not actually participating in the game like the others, but instead acting as an umpire, dealing out cards and choosing the winner of each round. Corin patted a space on the ground next to her and Chelsea dragged me around the circle of people so I was sat between her and Renata.

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