chapter 2

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A knock on the door startled me as I attempted to adjust the leather belt around my jeans. I'd been left in this room for over 24 hours now, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't getting boring. I'd spent pretty much that entire morning going through the wardrobe in the room and choosing out outfits. How anyone knew exactly what clothing I wanted and what size I was confused me just a little, but I wasn't complaining. I'd recognised a few items that I'd been eyeing in the shops when I went the other week, and there was even a pair of shoes I wanted a while ago but couldn't afford. I just hoped that I hadn't stolen from a vampire with identical style to me, as that couldn't possibly end well for the human girl.

I opened the door and to my surprise a very tall, crimson-eyed man stood towering above me. And it begins.

"The kings have summoned you in the throne room," he spoke with a deadpan tone.

"Do I really have to go?" I whined almost childlike before grinning at myself and my stupidity, "Surely they can wait for, like," I checked my watch "half an hour or so?"

This guy clearly looked bored as his face didn't remotely twitch despite my immaturity. Well that definitely cleared up one thing; don't ever apply for a job as a member of the Volturi guard.

He sighed dramatically before pulling a brass pocket watch out from his grey robes and studying it intently.

"I'll give you three minutes, milady. The Masters really don't take well to tardiness," he muttered. Poor guy, wow, his job looked boring.

"Fine," I gave in before turning back around to him and adding "what's your name by the way?"

"Felix," he responded simply.

So much for having a friendly conversation. After a few more seconds of painfully awkward silence, I decided to close the door and make him wait outside. I briskly hurried over to the full length mirror and finished adjusting my outfit, before ruffling my hair out. Unfortunately, I hadn't had the chance to re-dye it for months so the bleached blonde colour was fading and my darker roots were beginning to show through, but I couldn't care less. Besides, who was I trying to impress?

Grabbing my phone and stuffing it in the back pocket of my jeans, I left the room, closed the door, and began following Felix down the dimly lit corridor. After we had walked for several minutes, I looked down to realise I wasn't wearing shoes. Shit. The soles of my socks, which had been perfectly white, were now covered in some kind of grey dust. One of my biggest pet peeves was wearing white socks around as they always got destroyed, and this completely ruined my mood (not that I was in a particularly good mood to begin with). Deciding not to make a big deal out of it, I resisted the urge to turn around to grab my Nikes and continued a few paces behind Felix. I really didn't want to piss him off any more than I had to, as that guy was so tall he could kill me with a simple tap, and I had to be at least two feet shorter than him.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The last time I'd gone down to see these people, I'd woken up several hours later in some stranger's bed, completely immobilised. And as if that wasn't enough, I didn't even have any of the Cullens with me. Speaking of the Cullens, where were they? It wasn't like them to leave without explanation, and I'd only seen Alice a few hours ago. This situation was going to be tough to deal with on my own. Not only was I slightly creeped out by these Volturi guys, and for good reason, but I also had a habit of causing awkward conversations. Maybe that was my super-rare vampire-y ability: debilitating awkwardness.

After walking for about fifteen minutes or so, we finally arrived at a large set of wooden doors. Eerie silence filled the halls, and at first I questioned if I was even in the right place. I couldn't believe how long it took just to get here, but in fairness almost everyone around the place did have creepy vampiric speed. Felix knocked a few times before opening the door and holding it open for me to walk through under his arm. At least the floors in this room were clean, so my socks could just be salvageable.

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