chapter 18

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"There are so many risks; we simply cannot allow you to cook."

"What, am I supposed to starve instead?"

I opened the one of the wooden cabinets in the kitchen and pulled out a saucepan along with a bag of pasta. The kings had spent the last few minutes attempting to talk me out of cooking myself dinner by listing all of the unlikely scenarios that could occur.

"We can cook for you, tesoro," Marcus responded, turning on the cold water tap while I filled the pot with water.

"As kind as that offer is, I've got it under control," I assured and gently pushed them out of the way, placing the saucepan on the hob.

Everything was going pretty smoothly, and I explained to them that I would be making myself a simple tomato pasta bake, until a tiny droplet of boiling water landed on my hand. I hissed lightly as it wasn't too painful and stepped forward to continue cooking. However, before I even had the chance to regain grip of the handle, a pair of hands grabbed my waist and lifted me up, spinning me around and placing me back down facing the other direction.

"What the-"

I spun my head around to find that Aro had taken over my position and was now continuing to cook the pasta for me, tapping the wooden spoon on the edge of the pot.

"Cara mia, it is not safe for you to be near boiling water," he chuckled condescendingly and adjusted the heat on the hob slightly with a click.

"Aro, I've got it," I tried to squeeze past him but Caius blocked my way, backing me up into the island in the middle of the kitchen with his arms either side of me protectively.

"No, you have not got it. You could have easily caused serious injury to yourself, carissima," he insisted.

"Besides," Aro's voice chimed in from behind, "when is it that you will refer to myself and Marcus as 'babe'?"

So that's what he was after. Huh, who would've guessed that Aro was simply just jealous due to the fact that he wasn't the first one to be called by a pet name? I should've guessed really, he did always come off as the jealous type in all honesty.

"Fine, babe, please step aside," I swerved around Caius and shoved Aro lightly so he would step out of the way.

Aro now had the smuggest grin I'd ever seen on his face, the three of them still watching my every action intently to ensure that no more dangerous situations arose. Fifteen or so minutes later, I was finally finished with my masterpiece with enough food to feed a family. In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have used the entire bag of pasta.

"Marcus, babe, can you please pass me a bowl? They're in the cupboard over there," I gestured, grabbing a serving spoon out of the drawer.

He quickly handed me a bowl and, although not quite as obvious as Aro, he seemed pretty smug as well. Once I'd served myself, I pushed past them and into my living room.

"Outta the way!" I yelled dramatically while carrying my overfilled bowl of pasta.

The three of them followed me over to the sofa, Caius and Marcus quickly sitting on the ends while Aro reclined back casually in the seat between them. I looked around confused until Aro instantly grabbed me by my waist and sat me on his lap with a light chuckle. Well, I guess my mother was right; a sofa for three people can sit four people after all.

"Do you want to watch something?" I leaned forward and picked up the TV remote from the coffee table before leaning back into him.

"We can watch whatever you would like," Caius answered and comfortably rested his feet on the table.

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