chapter 12

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"Good morning, cara mia."

My eyes fluttered open to I realise I was laying on my front with my face pressed up against something cold, my legs either side of me. I lifted my head wearily and my eyes locked on a pair of crimson ones, making me jump out of my skin and duck my head. Aro chuckled, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist holding me down against him while the duvet was draped over us.

"How long was I asleep for?" I murmured into his shirt. That night, I'd had a combination of really weird ass dreams involving the Teletubbies and Spongebob Squarepants, which Aro was sure to have seen.

"You fell asleep at around seven last night, so about thirteen hours," he answered. Thirteen hours?

I went to get up, stretching my shoulders back, but Aro kept a firm grip around my waist, holding me down to him.

"May I ask, what on earth was that I witnessed in your dream last night?" he asked with a hint of amusement.

"Um... the Teletubbies?" I shrugged. In my dream, the Teletubbies had been part of some kind of demonic satanic cult that aimed to turn the world into spaghetti. God, I need help.

"And the yellow sponge?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, Spongebob, yeah, he was trying to defeat the satanic Teletubbies," I explained, hearing how mentally unstable I must've seemed to him.

"I remain just as confused as I was last night," he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Oi, that was quality viewing and you know it. If anything, you should be thanking me," I laughed, rolling off of him onto my back.

Just as I went to push the duvet away from me, I realised that I was still only wearing a t-shirt and underwear after what happened last night. I jumped out of bed and pulled my t-shirt down to cover myself, but fortunately it was oversized in anyway, so it wasn't a massive issue. Noticing the sunshine beaming through the window, I picked up a denim skirt, underwear, and a baby pink tank top from a pile of clothes I'd left in the corner before walking over to the bathroom to shower.

"Do you need assistance in showering by any chance?" Aro asked cheekily from across the room, still lying on my bed with his hands behind his head.

"Oh Aro," I tutted, rolling my eyes and walking into the bathroom.

"Eliana that did not answer my question," he called after me, while I locked the bathroom door behind me in response. The nerve of some vampires.

Running the hot water, I stepped into the shower and attempted to wash out what looked like mud or twigs or something out of my hair. This last week had been...weird to say the least. Hell, I'd only known these people for a few days, and now I'd just woken up after making out with Aro Volturi, Aro fucking Volturi. I didn't know what came over me because, in any other scenario like that, I would never have kissed him back, let alone fallen asleep straddled on top of him. Damn, I was falling for these people way faster than I would ever usually be comfortable with...but was that necessarily a bad thing? I mean, Marcus did say that they are my 'true mates' i.e. my 'destiny' lies with them, blah blah blah, so surely I would've ended up with them in anyway. Dear god, mates are confusing.

I stepped out and looked at myself in the mirror. I'd never exactly been ashamed of my body, but I wasn't really one to expose much skin. That was one of the reasons I hated the beach; swimsuits. Last summer, Alice had tried to get me to go shopping with her to buy me a new swimsuit and, to give her credit, the ones she chose out were gorgeous, but I just hated myself in them, hated seeing my body in them. In the end, we left without any swimsuits, but she had gotten excited over a bunch of sundresses, so we didn't exactly arrive back empty-handed.

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