chapter 3

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October 14th 1995:

Eli was stood in the airport wrapped in a blanket she'd slept with on the plane, gripping on to her mother's hand tightly with one hand, and dragging her pink suitcase along with the other. She had been told that she was going to make a new best friend and that it they were going to have a fun holiday in Phoenix, but Eli was stubborn, and not only was she stubborn, but she was also terrified. She'd never been any good at making friends in the past, considering how a girl ran away from her crying when she tried to make a friend at five years old.

Her mother had been braiding her hair on the plane ride, which left her brunette locks bouncing behind her, tied with yellow ribbons she was determined to throw away when she wasn't looking.

From across the arrivals lounge, her mother had spotted someone, and instantly jumped to her feet before picking Eli up and carrying her over to where another woman was stood. She was about the same height as her mother was, and they looked pretty similar despite from the fact that this woman had blue eyes like Eli's. With the woman stood another girl who looked a little older than Eli, but she seemed more nervous than she was somehow.

A few minutes through their parents' excited chatter, during which Eli and the other girl both timidly stared at their feet, both girls were sent to 'go and play together'. Sometimes Eli really didn't understand her mother, as she of all people should've known just how shy she was. Regardless, she was determined to attempt to make a friend. The girls stared at each other before looking at the ground, both too nervous to be the first to talk, until Eli finally spoke.

"Hello." She said sheepishly, still staring at the ground.

"Hey," Bella replied, before adding "you're voice is cool."

"Really?" she asked with a hint of excitement in her voice. This girl seemed so nice.

"Yeah! I just wish I could sound as cool as that!"

"Do you wanna be friends?" Eli asked, hoping for a better answer than crying and running.

"Of course!" Bella responded excitedly, before pulling a colouring book out from her backpack and offering to share her coloured pencils.

Throughout the course of that week, the girls had become best friends, and were always spending hours playing together. They found that they both had the same love for reading, and would spend ages talking about their favourite books. Eli had finally made a friend, and she and Bella were determined to stay that close 'forever and ever'. They did have a year age difference, but it didn't seem to matter at all to them. Eli never had any siblings, and neither did Bella, so it could've been easy to assume they were just sisters by the way they acted towards each other. When they were eventually forced to part, Bella and Eli promised to stay in contact and make their mothers let them call each other every day, which they did, for a while in anyway.

May 24th 2005:
Eli was absolutely buzzing with excitement. As it was the Easter holidays and she had a two week break from school, her parents had agreed to let her travel to Forks to visit Bella by herself. The two of them texted every once in a while, but it had been a few years since they last saw each other. All she was told was that she would be staying in a house somewhere in Forks with Bella and some of her friends, which made her just a little nervous. This nervous feeling was oddly similar to the one she felt when she met Bella when she was seven, but more than anything she couldn't wait to have the best two weeks ever.

When she arrived at the airport, she was met by Bella, who had honestly had such a glow up in comparison to her. Eli had finally reached the same height as her, but Bella was still slimmer, and her hair was such a gorgeous length and colour. With her was some other stern-looking man, who she assumed to be Bella's boyfriend Edward. In his defense, he was absolutely stunning, with his almost translucent pale skin, his auburn hair, and his eyes which somehow had a mysterious golden shimmer to them.

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