chapter 19

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"Ugh! It's too early," I groaned while my alarm went off on my phone.

"What is that infuriating noise?" Caius growled and dashed over to my desk to turn off the alarm.

"My alarm, it'll go off again in five minutes," I murmured through a yawn, my eyes still closed.

"You need to begin your day, tesoro."

I felt a soft hum underneath me as he spoke, and wearily glanced up to notice that I was asleep on top of Marcus. Making another groaning sound, I hid my face in his shirt and stubbornly refused to move.

"Why?" I whined childishly, earning a chuckle from all three of them.

"Because I do believe that you are required to attend school by human law," he responded with a light shove. Still, instead of actually climbing to my feet, I rolled back on top of him and curled up more comfortably than I had before.

"Eliana, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," he warned, making another attempt to motivate me to begin my day. Again, I refused.

Without warning, Marcus was stood up from the bed but, oddly enough, I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his torso, clinging to him like a drowsy koala bear. His expression seemed to be a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"The hard way it is," he lightly chuckled.

This vampire. Again, without warning, he yanked me off of him before lightly tossing me onto the bed like some kind of stuffed toy. My landing was a little uncomfortable, but I'd probably have broken the bed if Aro and Caius hadn't caught me to minimise my fall damage. I landed with Aro's grip under my arms, while Caius arms were wrapped around my waist.

"What the hell was that for?" I stared at Marcus in shock, my mouth forming a perfect 'O'.

"Do not say that I did not warn you," he defended with a chuckle before politely helping me back up off the bed in a much more sensible fashion than previously.

"When you said 'hard way', I didn't think you meant throwing me across the room for a game of catch!"

I threw my arms up in the air exasperatedly and collected my clothes from my chair, heading over to the bathroom to change. Locking the door behind me, I changed out of the leggings and hoodie I'd slept in as quickly as possible, wearing a pale blue t-shirt tucked into a pair of dark grey skinny jeans and a pair of white ankle socks. It was only after making eye contact with myself in the mirror that I noticed the severity of my face. The cut, although dried over, was so damn obvious and...hideous. If that thing left a scar, I would personally track down and kill Noah myself. Actually, I probably wouldn't, but still the motive was there.

Collecting my pyjamas, even though they didn't really count as pyjamas, I headed back to my room, only to find that Caius was missing.

"Um, where did Caius go?" I asked, glancing around to check that I hadn't just gone blind.

"He took the liberty to cook you some food to eat; I do believe you humans call it breakfast?" Aro wondered curiously.

"Yeah, did you not know that?" I laughed, sitting down at my desk with my legs crossed under me.

"I was just confirming. Out of the three of us, Caius in fact has the most knowledge of the preparation of human food," he shrugged.

Marcus sat on the end of my bed with his elbows on the edge of my desk, holding a pack of flashcards I'd prepared a few weeks earlier. "Would you find it beneficial if I were to quiz you before your examination later today?"

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