chapter 43

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"Eliana, il mio tesoro."

I groaned and buried my head in Caius' neck while Marcus attempted to gently shake me awake. I'd been dreading this day for a while as this was the day I would finally leave home. The sun shone blindingly into the room which was how I could tell just how long I must've slept in for.

"Ten more minutes," I mumbled.

With a light chuckle, Aro placed his hands on my waist and pulled me up from on top of Caius and onto his lap. Too tired to support my own weight, I sat slumped against his chest with my eyes only half open.

"You cannot hide away in your bed forever, cara mia," he shook his head and laughed.

I yawned, arching my back, before curling into a tight ball with my knees drawn up to my chest. "Watch me."

"As tempting as that sounds, today is a busy day. We have no time to waste!"

He clapped his hands with an excited grin on his face and easily handed me over to Marcus, who carried me off the bed and placed me down on my feet on the floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leant against him lazily.

"I want to go back to bed," I whined.

I began my way back under the covers when Marcus gripped onto my waist, firmly holding me against him. "That is not an option, go and get ready."

"You're such a party-pooper," I groaned and picked up some clothes from my wardrobe before heading to the bathroom.

Caius quickly grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks with a grin. "It is not necessary to dress in the bathroom simply due to the fact that we are here."

I sighed. "Fine, if that's what you'd prefer, I'll dress here like some kind of crazy strip show."

The whole time while I changed, I felt their eyes focused on my body which was just a little unnerving, though every time I turned my head to face them, they managed to avert their gaze with their vampiric speed. I quickly checked out my outfit in the mirror, wearing a pair of white denim shorts and a mustard yellow tube top. Okay, so maybe yellow was a bit of a bold colour choice, but it still seemed to look okay nonetheless. Grabbing a hair tie, I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, which I rarely did, and applied some mascara and blush, just so that I looked mildly presentable.

Aro bustled back into my room at human speed, although I hadn't even noticed he'd left. In his hands was a pile of documents and papers, including my passport and birth certificate.

"Eliana Sofie Arrowood, what a delightful name," he mused, smiling happily at the document, and placed it in a folder, which was then placed in a binder, which was then placed in a briefcase, which was then handed to Demetri for safe keeping.

With a loud thud, Fernando appeared on my windowsill, as relaxed as ever.

"I'm going to miss you, you obese ball of fluff," I cooed, squeezing my cat so hard that he let out a quiet squeak, "Mind you, your obesity is probably my fault, thank ten year old me overfeeding you."

"Oh, tesoro, you do make me laugh," Marcus chuckled behind me and placed a kiss on my shoulder.

Jane suddenly materialised on the edge of my windowsill beside Fernando and seemed pleasantly surprised by him there. "Master, the car is ready whenever you are," she nodded, slightly distracted by my cat who she was now cuddling tightly.

"Thank you Jane, you may go now, my dear," Aro gestured subtly and with that, she disappeared again from my window, "shall we, bellissima?"

"Leggo," I giggled, leading the way downstairs with my letter for my parents in hand, closely followed by Marcus, Aro, and Caius who was carrying my giant suitcase.

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