chapter 47

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Once the door was closed behind me, I slid down onto the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest, hot tears slowly dropping onto the light fabric of my skirt one by one. It didn't take long for the faint drops to grow to floods streaming down my face and smudging my mascara across my cheeks.

They didn't even give me a chance to explain, to apologise for worrying them. Why were they being like this? Why was I being locked away in my own home? At that point, I wanted nothing more than to be back at my actual home, regretting the decision I'd made to come here. What was I thinking? I didn't really belong in Italy, I was a pathetic weak human, no wonder they wanted to lock me up.

Stumbling to my feet, I decided to open my door in the faint hope that I would be able to at least leave my room, but alas both Santiago and Afton were stood directly in front of the door. Santiago turned around to me and cocked his head to the side confusedly.

"Um, can I leave?" I asked. Stupid question really, I knew the answer at this point.

"I'm afraid not, dude," Santiago gave me an apologetic look.

"Can I bribe you? I'll give you my credit card," I pleaded.

He sighed. "We've been put under strict orders to ensure you are kept inside this room for the next 72 hours."

My eyes widened in shock and I mumbled something completely incomprehensible.

"W-w-w-can you come in?"

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Master Aro didn't explicitly order us not to."

I stepped to the side and pulled the door further open to allow Santiago and Afton in. Afton seemed much quieter and less bubbly than usual which put even more of a dampener on my mood.

Santiago studied my face quickly. "You have black marks on your face."

"I know," my voice was still slightly quivered.

"Just saying," he shrugged, sitting himself down on a beanbag beside Afton.

"How can you be so calm about this?"

"Hm?" Of course he wasn't listening.

"I've just been locked away in my room for the next three days like some kind of fucking zoo animal, and you're so calm about it like everything's handy-dandy!" I snapped, instantly regretting yelling at the only company I had for the next 72 hours, "Why am I here?"

"Well, the Masters thought you tried to run away. Of course, none of the guard believed it, but Rafael the shit-stirrer managed to convince them of it," Santiago explained.

"But why didn't Aro just touch my hand? Why were they acting so irrational?"

"Why Aro didn't touch your hand and use his ability, I don't know. Eli, you should've seen just how stressed they were when they didn't find you in here this morning. They weren't thinking straight at all, I'd never seen them like that. The guard were so worried about them, but also about what they'd do to you once you came back. But there's a reason they were acting so irrational."

There was an unnecessary pause. "You gonna tell me the reason or are we going to sit here and stare at each other?"

"Staring works," he tried to joke, but I wasn't in the mood for games which was made clear through my Caius-style scowl, "it's a long story, dude."

I wiped my nose with a tissue and raised an eyebrow at him. "Can you tell it in three days? If so, I'm all ears."

"I assume you've heard of the kings ex wives, Sulpicia and Athenodora?" he clarified.

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