chapter 37

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I woke up to find a distinct lack of cold vampire in my bed. Wearily, I rolled myself over, realising that Caius must've left while I was still asleep. In fairness, I really didn't blame him; it was already almost midday. Although blondie may have left, Afton was settled back in one of the grey beanbags by my TV, flicking boredly through some book he must've found in the library. I tried to roll over and pretend I was asleep in the faint hope that I wouldn't have to start a friendly conversation this early.

"Don't bother, I know you're awake," Afton droned without even bothering to look up at me.

I groaned and buried my head in a pillow. "How?"

"Your heartbeat has increased slightly. Barely, but it's noticeable enough for me to know you're no longer asleep," he explained.

I rolled myself messily out of bed so that I landed on the floor in front of him, slumped against the side of the mattress. My eyelids were still heavy and even the thought of trying to stand up made me want to crawl back into bed.

I eyed the book he was reading curiously. "What are you reading, dork?"

"If anyone's a dork, it's you," he sniggered, "it's a book on anthropology."

I stared at him blankly for a moment before he explained. "Humans."

"Oh," I nodded, "should've just said so."

Lazily, I stood up from the floor and stumbled dramatically over to my vanity. It was only when I looked in the mirror that I realised the dishevelled state my hair was in. Not only was it knotted and standing up in all directions, but I clearly hadn't paid enough attention to my roots as my natural brunette hair had already grown through by about an inch. I groaned, banging my forehead against the tabletop.

"What?" Afton asked.

"Look at this," I spun around and wildly gestured to my hair.

"Just brush it," he shrugged and continued his book.

"Yeah, because brushing it is going to fix my hair colour," I narrowed my eyes while my tone was teeming with sarcasm.

He sighed exasperatedly. "What do you want from me? Bleach it then."

Heidi instantly appeared at my bedroom door with an excited grin on her face. Here we go. "Are we bleaching your hair then? Ooh, herrlich."

I stared at her blankly. "Ye' what?"

"It is German for gorgeous," she explained, "Anyway, I think there is some hair bleach somewhere around here. Vampires actually can't colour their hair because it's too tough, but I think there might be some in the medical wing if I remember correctly."

"Why would there be hair bleach in the medical wing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's where we keep all cosmetic items. Be right back," she called before dashing away in a blur. The fact that she was able to run that fast in stilettos was kind of disturbing to be honest.

While she was gone, I took the opportunity to quickly change into a pair of denim shorts and the same trashy t-shirt I'd worn the night before just in case anything got messy. Once I was dressed, I brushed my teeth and made sure to flick a few drops of toothpaste at Afton while he wasn't looking.

"Do you mind?!" he rubbed at the white toothpaste marks I left.

"Not even sorry. But, Afton?" I turned my head to face him.


"Please tell me Heidi actually knows anything about bleaching hair," I drew my eyebrows together.

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