chapter 41

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I'd spent most of the last evening chatting with Afton, Demetri and Jane. I was still feeling a little sour about leaving but, in their weird way, they did make the whole situation a little easier on me. Maybe it was true; maybe they were like a bunch of annoying siblings. Strangely enough, I supposed the Volturi were as good as my family at this point.

My eyes gradually fluttered open, the pink hues from the sunrise beaming into my room. Fernando had been sleeping on top of me but was now gone, probably due to my constant tossing and turning during the night. The window was still wide open but I ignored it and began to sit up straight.

"Good morning, tesoro-"

I almost screamed just as a cold hand was placed over my mouth. Still attempting to regain my breath, I looked up to be met with Caius' soft yet stern gaze as he shushed me gently.

"Carissima, it is okay, it is just us, there is no need to scream," he reassured, pulling me into his embrace while he laid down to my left beside me on top of my covers.

As soon as he removed his hand from my mouth, I started talking. "Goddamn it, you just can't help it, can you? For someone who worries about my fragility, you're literally going out of your way to give me a heart attack."

Aro flitted over to my other side. "We would never, cara mia, we only came to surprise you," he cuddled me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing gentle kisses to my neck.

Marcus at first seemed a little disappointed that there was little room for him to snuggle up with me, but instead he half draped himself over me like a cold blanket, his head rested on my hip.

"How long were you standing there for?" I drew my eyebrows together and moved my arm so I could run my fingers through Marcus' hair, which earned a subtle contented purr that vibrated through my body.

"Ah yes, we arrived only an hour after you fell asleep, Afton informed us," Aro responded, "we had to remove your feline friend from your room as he began meowing at us, and even attempted to attack Caius."

I gasped. "Oh my God, is Fernando okay?"

"Sure, do not worry about poor Caius, but as long as the filthy vermin is alive and well, everything is great," Caius snapped from beside me.

Marcus chuckled. "Fernando is fine, tesoro, I saw him out of your window happily chasing a mouse less than an hour ago. If you were wondering, Caius is also fine."

"I can speak for myself, thank you brother," Caius narrowed his eyes at him, "your precious Fernando ripped part of my cloak and caused a thin crack to form across my leg."

"Oh geez, I'm so sorry Caius, he's never usually like that. Usually, he's just so...placid," I shrugged, pushing a strand of his snowy blonde hair out of his face.

"Yes, I had to pry him off Caius here," Aro humoured, "I was so worried he would wake you up."

"What are you three doing here then?" I asked them.

"We missed you and wanted to keep you company," he answered, pulling me back as close to him as possible, "we also felt the mating pulls last night after you said goodbye to your parents."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I blushed and hid my face.

"Do not apologise, mating pulls often occur during times of extreme emotion, but will always affect us worst. Not only because we are immortal, but because..." Marcus trailed off.

I gestured for him to continue. "Because...?"

"Please do not take offence by this, but we three are the most dominant in your relationship," he winced slightly at the sentence.

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