chapter 17

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I flopped back onto my bed after flinging my school bag in the direction of my wardrobe, my arms spread out as I let out a melodramatic groan. I'd been away from the kings for almost a month and a half now and, I know it sounds cliché and overly-dramatic, but the aching feeling in my muscles had been increasing by the day. The best way to describe it is probably growing pains, the aches occasionally preventing me from even sleeping. I was literally aching to get back to them.

"If your muscles are really that sore, maybe we could buy you some multivitamins. I know they sell some at the supermarket or maybe the doctor-"

"I'm fine mum, stop trying to feed me vitamins," I grunted, staring intently at the ceiling.

"Okay, fine, but my offer still stands baby," she called, wandering lightly back down the stairs while singing some obscure song she'd heard on the radio earlier.

I would never tell her or my dad about my true mates, not unless I had a death wish. Just imagine their reaction if I casually strolled up to them and said 'hello mother, hello father, just thought I'd let you know that I am in a very romantic relationship with three wealthy old vampires who live in a castle in Italy, one of whom has anger management issues, one who can read every thought you've ever had just through holding hands, and another that can see the bonds between people, and being kept separate from them is what has been causing me my constant muscle pain'.

On the plus side, I only had less than one month of school left, and then I was done, finito, kaput. My final exams had served as a pretty good distraction from my crippling separation issues, the stress being the only thing I concerned myself with at this point. A few times, I'd managed to talk the kings into helping me study by emailing them flashcard questions and making them read the questions out to me at random. See, that's what's great about being so close to a bunch of ancient artefacts; with a long life comes extensive general knowledge.

During my second week back at school, I'd forgotten to bring all of my coursework and so, in a lazy attempt to get myself out of trouble, I stood outside the building of my class and called out to see if there were any guards around. Funnily enough, Felix, Jane, and Santiago all emerged from around the corner. Though, once I'd explained my situation to them, they seemed to be anything but impressed.

"Eliana, we're supposed to guard you from any actual threats, not run errands simply because you're terrified of your teacher."

"Oh chill out, it's literally just one little thing. I promise, it'll never happen again."

And it didn't happen again, not to my coursework in anyway. The thought of constantly being watched and followed everywhere I went was very unnerving and felt quite unnecessary, especially considering that I even lived in an area of England which had one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

I sat in my pink desk chair, opening up my psychology binder and continuing with my dead boring revision. A few more weeks, a few more weeks, a few more weeks...

My phone vibrating on my desk completely caught me off-guard, causing me to fall backwards off my chair and onto the floor. I clumsily climbed back up and slid it across the desk into my hand, answering it while still attempting to regain my breath.

"Yes?" I panted.

"Someone is eager to speak to us, I see," Caius remarked smugly.

"I fell off my desk and," I took in a sharp breath, "I had to climb back up to grab the phone," I wheezed heavily, "before I missed the call."

Are you hurt, tesoro?" Marcus voice chimed in.

"No, just out of breath," I laughed, gently closing the door to my room and sitting back in my desk chair, "the aching is only getting worse, by the way."

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