Testing Pt. 3

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The week was coming to an end and the tests had been going great. Your powers were now easy enough to control for you to try out new combos. Spidey was impressed at the progress you had made and you were proud of the moves you've come up with. Once again, you were testing out your endurance. Wave 15 was the one you had the most fun with. You had recalled seeing some street dancers once and wondered if you could replicate a dance move they had done. You practiced for the last two nights and finally got it down enough to test it out.

You were shirtless now and Spidey had noticed your weren't wearing your shoes when you walked in but didn't question it. He found out why when you started spinning on your head while your feet were fire. You were spinning like a flaming top.

Spidey: Maybe I should limit his TV time.

You decided to get a bit risky once you couldn't spin anymore. You leaped towards the wall and began to lit your feet on fire. Once you connected, you ignited the fire to add a little extra boost to your speed. This back fired when you went a lot faster than you intended to. You ended up slamming into the other wall and fall to the ground. You felt your arm pop back into place and heal.

Spidey: You ok?

Y/N: Golden!

You hopped back up and ignited your feet again. You decided to just blast off from the ground and messed around a bit while the virtual thugs moved according to programing. Once you adjusted the speed to your liking, you leaped off the wall and slammed right into a simulation which caused him to shatter.

Spidey: That was, pretty cool.

Y/N: I know right?!

You told Spidey you were done and looked down at your feet. Your jeans were burnt up to your ankles.

Spidey: You're getting a hang of your powers pretty quickly.

Y/N: I know. It might sound weird but it kinda comes naturally. I already knew how to fight.

Spidey: Your creativity really seems like a power of it's own. Wasn't expecting a head spin. Caught me a bit off guard.

Y/N: I'mma call it the Hell's Kitchen.

Spidey: Naming moves after New York's  lovely locations?

Y/N: Might as well. A good way to honor the streets that made me who I am.

Spidey laughed under his mask.

Spidey: Actually, I have a question. Me and Cap were talking about it when he came by the other day.

Y/N: What's up?

You were currently stretching a bit as a cool down.

Spidey: Do you have friends? Or even know anyone your age?

Y/N: No. Actually, believe it or not, I'm kinda awkward around groups. I can handle my own in public cause I don't really have to talk to anyone. Besides that I'm not very good at being around a lot of people.

Spidey: I get it. I uses to be the same way. My wife kinda helped out with that though.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: You're married?

Spidey nodded.

Spidey: Married the tiger in my life.

Tiger? Odd nickname but he seems happy. You looked over at the clock display near the exit and noticed the date.

Y/N: Aren't those people supposed to be coming back today?

Spidey: That's why I was asking. You should be ok though.

What did that mean? Wait a second. Where these people your age? Is that why he asked? Spidey decided it was time for lunch and a perfect stopping point for the day. He suggested getting sandwiches from the best sandwich shop he knew and you agreed. You grew to like (Insert Favorite Lunch Meat Here) sandwiches and Spidey really did know the best place.

Spidey: I got an idea.

You looked over to him.

Spidey: Let's race to the living room. You can use your fire feet thing and I'll swing. See how you hold up.

You found a wide smile on your face. The two of you entered the hall and you got into a running position. Spidey stretched before mirroring your action.

Spidey: Ready?

You nodded.

Spidey: Go!

You ignited your feet and Spidey shot out a web. You found yourself flying though the hall and towards the stairs with Spidey close behind. You remembered something you saw Iron Man did and ignited your hands. You slightly moved them and realized that it was a good way to maneuver. Spidey noticed this and tried to swing faster. You both reached the stairs and began to fly up while Spidey leaped from stair case to stair case. He was catching up and eventually passed you.

You both entered into the next floor and you decided to up the power. You focused all the fire to your feet and found yourself speeding out of control. You passed Spidey and ended up in the living room. You then realized that you couldn't stop yourself in time before colliding with the kitchen's cabinets. Spidey swung into the room and looked at the destruction you created. You were upside down while the cabinet you hit was completely gone and a part of the counter was cracked. Your wounds slowly healed as you ended up rolling to your side.

Y/N: Ok. Not doing that again.

You slowly stood back up and noticed your wrist was popped out of place. You popped it back and flinched in pain as it slowly healed. You looked up and noticed Spidey was standing there awkwardly and looking towards the elevators. You followed his gaze and found a group of people looking at you.

Spidey: You guys are back early.

Black Widow: Would you like to explain what that was?

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Black Widow: Would you like to explain what that was?

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