An Old Friend

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You were out on patrol since the Avengers were off, doing whatever the Avengers did when they were gone. Fighting aliens? Each other? Aliens again? Whatever you were just glad fo be patrolling again. It had been a while since the Avengers got to have their breathing room so they were due for a mission anyway. You were fighting through the city with Kamala as your partner for the night.

Kamala: So I have a few questions regarding this group relationship.

Y/N: Go ahead.

Kamala: Are you always top or do you switch.

Your fires stopped but you quickly caught yourself.

Venom: You ssshould know better by now.

You refused to answer. You instead flew off.

Kamala: Y/N? Y/N? Why aren't you answering Y/N? Are you actually a bottom? Y/N? I know you can hear me.

You landes on a nearby building and looked around. Everything has been really quiet ever since Quentin's attack. At least, for the city. You had your fair share of issues. You thought back on the day before.


Miles: I have a girlfriend.

Danny: I do as well.

Sam looked at the agasped.

Sam: Am I the only single guy in the tower?!

Everyone: Yep.

He fell to his knees in defeat.

Sam: Why me?

You laughed at the memory. Good times. But yeah. Miles started dating a girl who went to school with you all. Her name was Liz Allen and you approved of her. Had a habit of filming everything on her phone but it never really got annoying. As for Danny, your buddy had finally grown a pair and asked out Cindy shortly after the Mysterio incident. He was noticeably happier.

Hell, everyone was. Minus Sam. Poor fellow was still single. At least he had his Playbox. As for you, you were now more free to hang out with everyone outside of school or being a superhero. Fun times.

Kamala: I think we can call it for the day.

You noddes in agreement. You then remembered she was no where near you and thus wouldn't be able to see you.

Y/N: Yeah. Meet you back at thr tower?

Kamala: You're not going back yet?

Y/N: No. Nadia wanted to talk to me about something. I won't be long.

Kamala gave a copy and headed back to the tower. You blasted off towards Nadia's and landed on her roof. You grabbed onto the ledge and swung yourself into her open window. You stopd up and dusted your hands off before something grabbed you. You were then lifted into the air and slammed down onto the floor.

Y/N: Why?

Nadia: Y/N?!

She rushed over and turned on the lights.

Nadia: Why didn't you come in through the door?!

Y/N: I'm still wearing my costume!

Janet: Is everything ok up there?!

Nadia: Yeah! I just, fell!

There was a beat of silence.

Janet: Ok then!

You and Nadia let out a breath.

Venom: Dumbassss.

You stood up and turned to her.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now