Celebrity Status Pt. 1

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Time left before Godslayer Protocol: 1 month and 28 days.

You woke up from another restless night. The nightmares were getting easier to deal with thanks to the hardcore meditation you had been doing. You sat up with a groan and yawned. Time to get the day started. You rolled out of bed, falling on the floor, and dragged yourself, literally, to the bathroom. After a quick shower, you brushed your teeth and pulled on some boxers before remembering that you didn't have any clothes. Widow did say that her guy would set you both up.

You walked past your mirror but stopped when you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The white was coming back from your roots. It didn't look bad per say but, maybe you should get it dyed again. You shook your head and walked out into the living room to look for Widow. You instead found the girls of 4L1T sitting on the couch drinking tea. A moment passed as the girls looked at you with red faces and you just stood there stoned faced.

Y/N: <Do you know where Natasha is?>

The girls all pointed towards the kitchen. You looked over and saw Widow trying her best not to laugh.

Y/N: Where's my clothes?

Widow: On your bed.

Y/N: Of course they are.

You turned away and walked back into you room.
Now that you were dressed, mask not included since they already saw your face, you sat across from the girls with a cup of coffee. Min Jee, Jin Soo, and Hae Won were a bit embarrassed still but Luna had mostly recovered.

Seol: <So, is there anything you wish to do today?>

You shook your head.

Y/N: <I've never been to Korea. Whatever you would like to show me works.>

Luna nodded. She turned to the others to ask their opinions but they still seemed to be thinking about your near naked body. She just turned back to you.

Seol: <Maybe we should just go out and see what happens.>

You nodded in agreement as you finished your coffee. You looked over to Widow who was typing on her computer.

Seol: <She said she was going to work on finding Mr. Richards. Something about the two of you looking for him.>

Y/N: <Yeah. He's someone who can help me.>

You stood up and offered a smile.

Y/N: <Should we get this day going?>
Walking around in civilian clothing with a black fabric mask was kinda nice for a change. Being followed by paparazzi? Not so much. Being with four cute girls? Totally awesome. Everyone looking at you as you walked around? You still haven't quite gotten over your social anxiety.

Y/N: There's so many people.

Min: <It wasn't that bad when we were just starting out. After Luna got her powers, people just couldn't leave us alone.>

Hae: <I almost miss those days. This is what we signed up for so we can't complain too much.>

Y/N: <I'm just not that good with people.>

The girls looked at you surpised.

Y/N: <What?>

Seol: <I took you as a people person. You seem so approachable. When you're wearing clothes.>

You froze up at her teasing tone.

Y/N: <I said sorry.>

Seol laughed to herself and you playfully rolled your eyes. You heard cameras going off before Seol snaked her arm around yours. Min jumped up a bit before grabbing your other one.

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