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The castle that you sat in was bare of any light besides the torches you lit yourself. No sign of any art or display could be seen. The only noise that could be heard was either the endless screams from down below or the sounds of soldiers marching the halls. You sat on your throne wearing your crooked crown. Dressed in the finest of robes and eyes as red as blood.

The next set of soldiers walked in with your newest prisoner. They threw the man down to his knees and held him in place. You got off your throne and made you way over to him.

Soldier: We found him in the NY sector.

You waved your hand to silence him. You slowly grabbed the bag covering the man's face before ripping it off. A mess of blonde hair covered his eyes but you already knew who he was. He looked up at you with fury in his eyes.

Danny: It's you.

You said nothing. You haven't said anything in years. You remembered the first time one of your "friends" looked at you this way. It was right after you tore that android's head from the rest of it's body. You didn't like the way the space ranger looked at you, so you burned him alive. It was only a matter of time before everyone else followed. The sounds of tearing muscles from the green giant, the cries of agony from the original web swinger, the sound of shattered metal from the American soldier. All of it had become numb now.

Danny: You haven't change.

You didn't like the sound of his voice. You placed three fingers against his head casuing him to scream in pain. Now he's even more annoying. You watched as his eyes filled with blood and the red liquid poured from his nose, ears, and mouth. His body began to shake violently before you heard a mushy pop. You removed your hand and watched his body fall to the floor lifeless.

You returned to your throne. You still felt nothing. You closed your eyes. Maybe you could dream again.
You and Ruth stared at each other for a few moments as you tried to process what you just saw. That person was you. You saw yourself slaughter everyone with no emotion at all. No mercy, no regret, no sympathy. Just you.

Hiro: Are they ok?

Viv: Both had experienced a sudden spike in their brain activities.

Ruth took a step away from you and grabbed her necklace.

Riri: Y/N? You ok?

You snapped out of your thoughts and turned to the others. The ones you had killed. You could still see their mutilated bodies. You could still hear their screams.

Hiro: Right. So I'm guessing you triggered your telepathy and saw the future she keeps talking about. That saves some time.

He grabbed something from his desk. A collar.

Hiro: So in order to prevent you going all murderous dictator, I made this collar to stop you from using your powers.

Danny: Wait a second! Y/N is a part of this team. His powers are kinda important.

Felicia/Katie: Thanks.

Sam: You know what he means. We can't take his powers away.

You quickly grabbed the collar and placed it around your neck with no hesitation. You suddenly felt your body become heavier and it was somehow more quiet. Your team looked at you in shock.

Felicia: Y/N?!

Venom: What did you do that for?!

Y/N: I'm not going to kill all of you.

Everyone seemed suroised at this statement. It didn't matter. This collar was staying on for the rest of the mission.

Ruth: You really aren't, evil?

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now