Small Time Heroes Pt. 1

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You were relaxing in your closest when you heard a loud bang in one of the other rooms. You didn't think much of it until you heard another bang in a different room. Then another. Then another. Suddenly his door was kicked in and someone stomped in.

Kitty: Where are you?!

You cracked open your closet door enough to peek out at the angry teen. Kitty was frantically looking around the room furiously.

Y/N: Hi?

Her head snapped towards the closet and noticed you on the floor. It took her a moment to remember that you slept there.

Kitty: Did you take it?

You looked at her confused.

Y/N: Take what?

Kitty fritted her teeth as she narrowed her eyes at you.

Kitty: My diary.

What the hell is a diary?

Y/N: I don't think so.

Kitty: You don't think so? You don't think so?! How do you not know?!

You jumped at her sudden spike in anger.

Y/N: I've only been in your room with you! I don't even know what a diary is!

Kitty realized she was being a bit too harsh. Of course you wouldn't steal her book. Why would you? She just sighed and buried her face in her hand.

Kitty: Sorry. It went missing last night and no one knows where it is. I looked everywhere! It's just gone.

Gwen suddenly rushed in looking mad.

Gwen: I already told you I don't have your stupid diary! Give me my bass back!

Y/N: Uh....

Marvel burt in as well followed by Sam.

Marvel: Which one of you jerks took my notebooks?!

Sam: Taking my Playbox isn't funny!

Laura stormed in the room and spotted everyone. She popped her claws out and stabbed them into your wall to get everyone's attention.

Laura: where, is, My, PHONE?!

Y/N: What the hell is going on?

Riri joined the fry by throwing down a empty case.

Riri: My tools are gone! How am I supposed to make stuff with no tools?!

Just then, Viv morphed into the room with angry eyes. This actually scared you since you had never seen her with any other expression.

Viv: My computer is missing. Does anyone care to explain?

Everyone glared at each other until Miles shuffled in. Everyone looked at him.

Miles: My records are missing. Did anyone barrow them? I won't be mad if you did. Just ask next time.

Marvel: So all of our stuff is missing. Great. We got robbed.

Suddenly everyone looked at you. You looked behind you to see if there was something there but it was only the wall. You turned back around.

Y/N: What?

Sam: Did any of your stuff go missing?

You snorted.

Y/N: I don't really have anything to steal. Plus I've been in here all day so I've had an eye on my stuff.

Everyone peeked into the small space and realized that you only had a few shirts and pants. They then looked at the rest of the room and realized that it was completely bare. Spidey had helped with getting rid of the bed so there was just a empty space.

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