The Monster's Goals

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You woke up early Friday morning. You didn't really want to get out of bed anymore. You had ended up staying home yesterday to mourn Dr. Conners out of respect for your mother. Today you were supposed to go to school. Even Venom was silent. He knew Conners somehow so it was probably harder for him than it was for you. You rolled around to your side. Maybe you'll just stay here after all.

There was a knock on the cloest door.

Widow: Y/N? Are you awake?

You stayed silent. You heard her sigh on the other side.

Widow: Just get some rest. I'll have Miles pick up your homework.

You heard her walk out. You laid there before you heard your door open again. You laid there as someone sat down.

Danny: I heard you weren't going to school again. I'll keep you company.

You didn't say anything. You just laid there before rolling to face the door. You cracked it open and peeked out. Danny was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. It looked like he was meditating. You closed the door and sighed.
You didn't realize you were asleep until your phone went off. You sat up in the dark and reached around for the device. You finally found it and unlocked the screen. There was three messages.

Gwendolyn: Hey buddy! Just checking in to see how you were doing. This is usually when you hit your lowest point so I won't bother you.

You closed the chat and opened up the next one.

Felicia/Cat: I saw you weren't at school again. Try not to fall behind.

At least she didn't seem as angry. That was something.

Quentin: Will you be at the club tonight? If you're sick that's fine. Just let me know so I can make the popcorn.

Oh yeah. That was today. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and looked at the time. 2:30. You had a few hours. You quickly sent him a text and closed the conversation. You finger hovered over Felicia's number.

What would you even say? What could you say? You just sighed.

Danny: You're awake.

You opened the door and pushed it open enough for him to see you. You noticed he was dressed like he was going to go to school. Was he planning on going to school? He stayed here instead.

Y/N: And you're still here.

You crawled out of the closet and sat across from him. Venom appeared on your shoulder.

Venom: You're going to that club thing right?

You nodded.

Venom: Alright. It'sss about time we get out anyway.

He was right. You looked at your phone. You locked it and slid it into your pocket.

Danny: Are you still having problems with Felicia?

You nodded.

Danny: That's a bummer. Would you like to talk about it?

You shook your head.

Danny: Alright. If you ever need to, I'm here. For now though, you need a shower and food. Come on. I'll make something real quick while you get cleaned.

You watched him stand up before joining him. Danny began to walk out of the room.

Y/N: Danny.

Danny stopped and turned around.

Y/N: Thanks.

Danny just nodded and dissapeared down the hall. You headed for the showers. After getting washed up, you headed to the kitchen where Danny had finished making some tater tots and fish sticks.

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