Midtown High's Podcast

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You didn't see Cletus at school after Monday. This was a good thing. You saw Eli everyday after Monday. This was a bad thing. You made it through the week. This was a good thing. School was long and boring. This was a bad thing. You stopped three robberies. This was a good thing. The Lizard was still running around. This was a bad thing. You went on two dates with Felicia. This was a good thing. Viv was still mad at you. This was a bad thing.

This concludes the list of good and bad things over the week.

Your headaches had actually calmed down and your powers had fully returned to normal. Your electricity was still hard to control so you practiced on your free time. Venom helped out to if it got too out of control. If you weren't in the simulator you were with the others either messing around or just hanging out. You tried to make up with Viv but she always found a solid reason for avoiding you. Seriously, how long was she going to keep this up?

You also spent more time with Felicia on your down time. Of course you couldn't bring her to the tower, super hero identity and what not, so you had to go to her place. This mostly resulting in cuddles and take out food. She even invited some of the others over as well. You were glad that everyone got along so well. You even learned Marvel's real name.

Marvel: My name is actually Kamala Khan.

She even took off her mask. You never realized just how much that mask didn't cover until you saw her without it. Seems that she was comfortable with you now.

You were also practicing more with Venom. The two of you were getting better at working together in symbiote mode. He was able to strengthen everything which was amazing. You moved faster, hit harder, and you could swing around like Miles and Gwen. It was awesome! You were even working on somehow using your flames in symbiote mode.


You finally decided to use the Frankenstein thing Black Cat always called you. Until Kamala pointed out that Frankenstein was the scientist and not the actual monster.

Kamala: Sorry that the name didn't work out.

Sam: It still could. Frankenstein's Monster?

Miles: Too long.

Laura: Just call him Monster. He has one attached to him.

Venom: I like you better when you don't talk.

Laura: I like you better when you're locked up.

Kitty: I like Monster.

Danny: I also vote Monster.

Miles: To hell with it.

So yeah. Monster was now your name. It wasn't much but it was something. Things were just falling into place.


That ginger dick was still on the loose. And you were furious. He went missing after the bomb stunt and you couldn't find him anywhere. No one could! He literally just up and vanished off the face of the world.

At least it was Friday now meaning it was time to go to Film Club! Hopefully it was as fun as you hope it will be. Venom kept giving you crazy about it whenever you brought it up. You made a mental not to put him to sleep before you went to the Film Room. You had texted Nadia back and forth somewhat during the week as well. She seemed like a fun person. Very smart.

Quentin: Hey Y-Y/N!

You were on your way to your next class when Quentin spotted you in the hallway. You waved at him and waited until he reached you.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat