The Neiffleheim War Pt. 2

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You came to a halt as you entered the cave and looked around. There was a massive hole above you that showed the overcast sky yet Laufey was no where to be seen. You looked around some more before you heard the massive footsteps. You turned around and found the giant emerging from his hiding hole.

Laufey: You manged to make it here.

Y/N: Was that your entire plan? Get your lackeys to take me out before I had a chance to break you?

Laufey shook his head as he walked towards his throne.

Laufey: It would have been a much easier death for you. Now, you will die away from your friends.

He picked up his ax and turned back to you.

Laufey: You will die alone here. Cold, bleeding, and I will get Odin's power.

You clenched your fists as the right was engulfed in Odin's lighting and the left had flaming claws.

Y/N: I'm not alone, and I will not be dying here today.

Laufey: Fate has determined otherwise.

He lifted his ax and rushed towards you.

Outside, Robbie rode around destroying everhthing in his path. He came to a halt and reached into his boot where he kept the revolver Cater had given him. He pulled it out and fired six shots of hellfire at the giants. Six giants fell to the ground in agony as the fire consumed them. He looked around and saw that everyone was holding there own. The question was, how much longer can they do this for?

There really was no end. It seemed that for every giant they took out, five more would appear. Robbie rode forward as he looked around. There were so many. There was no end to this horde. He fired his gun as he went but failed to notice a larger giant readying his ax. He brought it down on Robbie who went flying away from his bike and landed in the snow. Robbie picked himself back up and turned to see which one had done it.

He spotted the large giant as he made his way towards Hulk and Gwendolyn. Robbie pulled out his chain and began to march over to where they were. He would break or shoot whatever giant dared to approach him while the bigger giant reached Hulk. He hit Hulk to the ground causing Gwendolyn to go tumbling away. She recovered but couldn't help Hulk when she got swarmed by giants. Hulk got back up and yelled at the giant before charging at him.

The giant simply smacked him aside as Robbie finally reached them. The giant lifted his fist to finish Hulk but found himself held back by a flaming chain. Robbie pulled back which broke his hand off. Robbie then aimed his gun at it but it was smacked away. Robbie looked back at the giant just as he swung his ax at Robbie.

The Ghost Rider flew right into a nearby rock and Robbie turned back to a human. He was in a complete daze as he looked around. The giant slowly approached him as he tried to recover. The giant raised his ax to finish him off as Robbie laid there helpless. Suddenly, the giant was shot with an arrow.

Katie leaped over the rock and began to shot multiple arrows at the frost giant in an attempt to keep him away from Robbie. The boy could do nothing but watch as Katie leaped, rolled, and shot around the beast. Robbie slowly reached out toward her. She needed to get away. This giant wasn't like the others. He needed to say something. Anything. But he couldn't. Then, it happened.

The giant lifted his ax and swung down at Katie, who didn't have enough time to react. The cold metal ended up cutting through her armor and across her chest. Blood sprayed on the snow as she dropped to her knees. Robbie watched in horror as she fellt forward into the frost.

Robbie: No.

The giant raised his ax once again.

Robbie: No!

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