Avengers Tower Pt. 4

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You couldn't believe your situation. You were eating Chinese takeout, with the Avengers. Tony reached to grab the rice box but a chopstick ended up stabbing into the table. Hawkeye then picked up the box and pour himself some rice with a smirk.

Tony: If Katie saw her father being stingy like this, she'd be disappointed.

Clint: Good thing she isn't here.

Y/N: Who's Katie?

Clint stabbed his remaining chopstick into the table.

Clint: Off limits.

Vision: He seems to not care for boundaries.

You pouted as you popped a orange chicken into your mouth.

Wanda: Leave him alone guys. He doesn't mean harm.

Thank you Wanda. You were truly too good for this world. Still, it didn't stop Vision from glaring at you. Thor was mostly trying to crack jokes and Tony was making sly remarks. Banner mostly kept to himself and you noticed no one was poking fun at him. Probably for the best.

Wanda: So what kind of things are you interested in Y/N?

You looked up from you plate and found all of them looking at you. You placed your fork down and sat up.

Y/N: Uh, I mean, I like training. I also like hanging out with the others. Oh! And TV.

Everyone seemed amused/confused. Wanda gave a kind smile.

Wanda: Typical teenage boy stuff then.

Tony got the memo.

Tony: You play any video games? Maybe you have a favorite movie?

You shook your head.

Y/N: I only played games with Sam but his Playbox was taken during the break in. I just like movies in general.

Banner: I heard about the break in. Did any of your stuff get taken?

Y/N: I don't have anything to take.

Clint flung a piece of chicken at Banner. He suddenly caught what he had said. You didn't mind honestly. You were just glad no one got hurt. Suddenly an alarm went off and everyone stood up.

Tony: So much for a nice night. Everyone suit up.

You watched everyone head out and you tried to follow but Tony stopped you.

Tony: You're staying here.

Y/N: What? But I can help.

Tony: Until we find out what's going on with your powers, you're out of commission. Get some rest. We have a Playbox in the living room.

He left without another word. The alarm stopped and you watched as the jet took off. You were once again left alone in a tower.
You had decided to take a shower before heading to the guest room to change into a pair of sweats. You were a bit tired but mostly you were restless. You were in the Avengers Tower. Granted you did destroy a room already but still. This was cool.

You climbed into the closet and laid down but stopped once you realized it would be a shame to. It was memory foam. You had to lay on it. You jumped on the bed and immediately sank in. This wasn't very comfortable.

Y/N: This kinda sucks.

Suddenly your heard a glass shatter. You sat up and listened closely before you heard footsteps. You stood up and grabbed a nearby jacket Clint let you borrow. You peeked out of the door and looked down the hall. You stepped out and began to walk down the hall. Was someone here? Wouldn't you hear the jet if the team was back?

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now