First Mission Pt. 1

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You were now sitting on the couch along with the others while Widow and Peter were looking at the table. You were just about shaking with excitement. It had been a full week of training and you were finally going on your very first mission! Everyone was a bit worried at seeing the shaking but Viv scanned you and explained that you were ok.

Widow: Alright kiddos, the mission is a simple one. Reports have come in on break ins around Queens. Locations include shops, homes, apartments, and even a pet store. You're all going to be staking out the area and see what you can find.

Sam: Oh thank God. I thought this was going to be rough.

Peter: The robbers are known to have high tech weaponry which was stolen from Stark Industries.

Everyone, except you and Viv, looked down with a whine.

Y/N: Why is that bad?

Marvel crossed her arms.

Marvel: Normally we can beat up a couple of thugs or robbers pretty fast but these guys got tech. That means they'll put up a fight.

Miles: I can't take another shock glove.

Widow: You head out in 5.

You jumped up and rushed to your room where you were able to finally throw on your new costume. Riri didn't have a lot of time to finish up the smaller details so it was mostly a black jacket and some special pants. They were made for you to use your fire and ice along with your new morphing ability. You ran back out and Widow gave you your location.

Widow: You'll be with Laura and Viv.

Laura: I have to babysit the new guy?

The girl had just walked in in her own gear.

Widow: No. If anyone's babysitting it's Viv.

Viv: Babysitting protocol has been activated.

Widow: Just a joke Viv.

Viv: Babysitting protocol has ben deactivated.

Widow just sighed and mumbled something about being a "real girl" while looking at the tablet. You looked over to Laura and tried to figure her out. What did she have against you? Everyone else returned and you were all given your positions. You were going to look over a corner store that was near a previous break in.

Widow: Alright everyone, spread out.

Marvel grabbed onto Miles' back and thr two swung away with Sam trailing them. Kitty did the same with Gwen and Riri. You figured you could fly but you wondered if you could carry anyone. Well, you could but wouldn't you burn them?

Laura and Viv walked out to the balcony and you followed. Viv floated up and grabbed Laura's hand before flying off. Well, that solves that problem. You ignited your hands and feet and soared behind them. This was actually the first time you flew somewhere outside of the tower. Seeing New York from this high was breathtaking. You had gotten used to seeing it from ground level that this was just a whole new experience. Your scarf flew in the wind which you were using to cover your mouth to keep any bugs from flying in.

Viv: Your heart rate has increased. Are you well?

You almost forgot about the com in your ear.

Y/N: Yeah. This is just, different. Never seen New York like this.

Laura: Have you even left New York.

You shook your head.

Y/N: The furthest I've ever gotten was actually Wakefield. Mostly by accident.

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