The Trip To Asgard

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You stood at the front of the ship with your arms crossed and your sword on your hip. You almost looked like a space pirate. Almost.

Nadia: Everyone is ready to head out.

You nodded. You, Nadia, and Valkyrie will be in the ship Reed gave you, you named it the X-Wing, while the Guardians will be following you in their ship. You took a seat at the controls before punching in the coordinates Valkyrie gave you.

Y/N: Alright. Everyone strap in.

Nadia and Valkyrie sat down and buckled up before you pushed the handle for the thrusters forward. As the ship sped towards it's destination, you let out a sigh.

Y/N: Man. Now that we're actually going, I'm kinda nervous.

Valkyrie: You should be. No one has ever gotten the blessing of Odin. Not even his sons.

You looked out towards the stars as Nadia reached out to grab your hand. Suddenly, you had a headache. Ut was another vision. Who was it? Who were you going to meet? Who....

 Who was it? Who were you going to meet? Who

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Y/N: Nadia?

Nadia: Yeah?

You looked at her confused. What was that?

Y/N: Nothing. How long until we get to Asgard?

Valkyrie: Bout a day. That is, if everything goes good.

What could possibly happen? Suddenly the entire ship shook. The coms turned on and you could hear Rocket.

Rocket: We're getting attacked by pirates!

You looked out of your window and saw two ships flying around. You looked closer and saw that they had the same logo as the men from the bad that attacked Peter.

Y/N: Oh for the love of...

Peter: Remember when I said it didn't matter who those guys were?

Nadia: I'm surpised you do.

Peter: Right. Well, it matters!

You grabbed the controls and navigated the ship around to avoid getting blasted again. You flew around so that you led one of the ships away from the Guardians.

Y/N: Nadia, you're on the guns.

Nadia: On it!

She leaned forward and began to spam the buttons which activated the blasters on the ship. She opened fire as you navigated your way around to avoid getting hit.

Y/N: Time to talk Peter! Who are these guys?!

Peter: Slavers. We agreed to do a job for them after we learned what they were doing. We took the payment and dropped everyone off at Knowhere so Cosmo could help them.

Valkyrie: At least they did something good.

You decided to try something you saw on a movie once. You blasted forward before flying up. You then turned off the thrusters so that the ship flew right past you.

Y/N: Fire now!

Nadia took aim and shot off a blast that hit the ship's side. You saw a few things fly out of the hole before the ship exploded.

Y/N: Not as cool as Star Wars but still pretty neat.

Nadia: Ha! That was fun.

Rocket: I'm glad you kids are having the time of your lives but we need help.

Y/N: Oh. Right.

You turned the ship towards the Guardians to help them out with the last ship.

Peter: I'm going to led them towards you then pull out. When I do, fire.

Nadia: Copy that.

You watched as the Guardians' ship flew towards you before diving down. Nadia immediately activated the cannons which hit the ship.

Y/N: Yes!

The ship flew right towards you and ended up hitting the wing.

Y/N: No!

The alarms went off and you looked around. There was a planet nearby. That could work.

Y/N: Quill, we're making an emergency landing.

Peter: We're right behind you.

You turned towards the planet and started your descent.
???: How are the subjects adjusting?

Scientist: They are adjusting to the early activation process with great success.

The man in charge of the lab he was currently in looked through the glass window at the three small children. They were no older than a few weeks old yet they had aged a year.

???: Tests start in three weeks once they reach two years. When they reach age 10, we will stop the rapid aging process.

Scientist: Yes sir.

The man looked down at the three children once again. One of them, one of the two boys, giggled before he sneezed. A sudden burst of frost emerged from his nose causing the other two to laugh. The man couldn't help but smirk.

It was truly working.
Y/N: Well shit.

You stood on the forgien planet as you looked at the damage on your ship. Looks like the X-Wing is missing an entire wing. And some of the side. Jesus this ship was messed up.

Rocket: It doesn't look salvageable. Got it perfectly to the point where we can't fix this.

Y/N: So we're down an entire ship. Perfect.

You kicked a stray piece of metal in anger and sighed.

Y/N: Screw this. I have a stupid idea.

Rocket: Have you met my crew? How stupid can this idea get?

Y/N: We give your ship a upgrade. A major one.

Rocket looked at your ship before turning back to his. He began to grin as you began planning everything out in your head.

Rocket: Hell yeah.

Y/N: Thank god we have three geniuses.

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