Assault on Castle Doom Pt. 1

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You slowly began to wake up to the sounds of marcjing outside of the cell. Looks like they switched the guards again. You held yourself up against the wall and looked around for Ruth. She was asleep on the otherside. At least she was safe for the time being. You don't know how long you've been in this castle really. Maybe a whole day? Two? It seemed like the guards were preparing for something but you could tell what. They weren't human anyway.

You slowly reached for the collar around your neck and sighed. You could've been out of here by now. You check over Ruth again who began to stir.

Ruth: Is it morning?

Y/N: I don't know.

Ruth sat up and stared at the ground. During your time here, she had been taken in and out of the cell for some reason or another. She never told you what they were doing with her though.

Y/N: Can you see us getting out of here?

Ruth shook her head.

Ruth: Not that I know of. I only see the end.

Does she mean the future where you kill everyone and take over the world? Cause that was still fresh in you mind.

Y/N: You know I'm not going to turn into that, thing.

Ruth: I am doing everything in my power make sure you don't. The future hasn't changed.

You gritted your teeth so you wouldn't say something you would regret. You just sighed and laid against the cold metal wall.

Y/N: The future can change you know.

Ruth looked up slightly. She slowly lowered her head back down.

Ruth: Not this one.

Y/N: Especially this one. I'm not gonna lay here and get turned into monster.

Ruth just shook her head. Looks like she wasn't so optimistic. You suddenly heard more footsteps and rose to your feet. Maybe if you were fast enough, but what about Ruth? Damnit.

The doors began to unlock and light shined in which almost blinded you.

???: You're awake. Good.

You let your eyes adjust before you saw who was talking.

Y/N: M.O.D.O.K.

M.O.D.O.K snickered and approached you.

M.O.D.O.K: You seem surpised. Did you really think that explosion would've killed me?

That means Dr. Conners died for nothing. You clenched your fists and attempted you hit him, only to be threw back against the wall by a group of guards.

M.O.D.O.K: Don't bother resistanting you pest. It'll only make things harder for you.

You continued to struggle while the other guards pointed their weapons at Ruth to keep her at bay. The guards slapped on a pair of handcuffs on your wrists and threw you to the floor.

M.O.D.O.K: We're going to get that damn collar off of you. After that, the master will contiue his plan.

You simply growled.
Widow and Hiro looked over the location of the collar. It was hovering right over Tokyo. They were also looking at the footage of the castle from their fight with it a few days before.

Hiro: High tech laser, robot army, and a massive force field. This this is going to be tough taking down.

Widow: Without a doubt.

She looked back towards the couch where the entire Program sat. At first they were worried for you. Miles and Kamala blamed themselves for you getting captured but Venom was the one to get them motivated. He reasoned that Y/N could handle himself until they were able to save him.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora