Battle Of The Champions Pt. 10

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You stood in the arena without your blades. Dane had told you what he had felt when he fought Gorgon so you were prepared. Gorgon stepped on the platform on the otherside.

Gorgon: So I get to face the Monster of Power himself. Truly, I am honored.

You bowed back to him.

Y/N: Right. Likewise.

You both stood up and looked at each other. Gorgon winked and you smiled. This was all an act.
Shang-Chi: Gorgon isn't the assassin?

You shook your head.

Dane: Y/N told me of his mission when we met in the first round.

Silvija: And you knew you could trust him?

You nodded.

Y/N: I read his mind and saw that he was honest.

Dane: We came up with a plan. Once I learned that the princess's life was on the line I decided to put my mission aside. I am a knight first and foremost. Protecting the royal family is what I prioritize.

Ernst: That is very nobel of you.

Dane nodded as a thanks.

Y/N: After that I read the minds of every fighter. I already trusted Shang-Chi since he was honest from the get go but he turned out to actually be a good ally.

Shang-Chi: You trust me?

Y/N: Yeah. After that you kinda just stayed around so I figured we might as well let you know what was going on.

Shang-Chi: Oh. Thank you.

Y/N: No problem.

Dane: Y/N also learned that Gorgon was on our side as well. I threw the match on purpose since we knew that Gorgon would winning would make the assassin feel more confident with Y/N having one last ally.

Y/N: Gorgon agreed to help and Dane told him the plan when he was in the infirmary.
You smiled before Gorgon stabbed his blade into the ground.

Gorgon: I forfeit!

The crowd gasped while you and Gorgon smiled.
Widow: And he was ok with that?

You nodded.

Dane: He made an offer that Gorgon accepted.

Silvija: An offer? I see.

Y/N: That offer goes to Shang-Chi as well.

Shang-Chi: Me?

Y/N: We need to you forfeit as well.

Everyone looked at you and Dane as you both smiled.
Announcer: I can't believe it! Gorgon has forfeited! Y/N Creed is the winner!

You smiled. There was an audible whisper before the announcer cleared his throat.

Announcer: I just got word that, Shang-Chi has also dropped out of the tournament.

Everything was falling together nicely. You turned back to the crowd and took a deep breath.

Ernst: Foxtrot?!

Silvija: How is it possible? He is like my uncle. He would never betray me.

Y/N: Figured as much. As soon as I met him I decided to read his mind.
Foxtrot: After I kill the princess and get that sweet paycheck, the Wild Pack will be mine.
Widow: A mercenary through and through. Always working for the cash.

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