Break Down The Walls

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You took a step backwards as Molly attacked again. She was strong but she wasn't fast. You moved your arm again to block another blow before moving it again. You had one arm behind your back the entire time and you were working with her on speed.

Y/N: Eyes on the target.

She attacked but you blocked it, again. Across the way, Victor and Cat were training with Cloak and Dagger aka Tyrone and Tandy. Cloak would catch whatever pallets Cat threw while Dagger tries to land a hot on Victor. While Cloak was great for defense, he was lacking in attack. Dagger was perfect for offense, but she couldn't land a hit to save her life.

Molly decided to switch things up and throw a kick. You caught her ankle and pushed her back casuing her to land on her butt. Victor caught another pallet but failed to notice it had already activated. With his vision blocked, Cat leaped up and kicked him. Victor dodged another dagger and slammed his shoulder right into Dagger.

The three laid in the snow defeated. Cat helped them up while Victor shook his head and you sighed.

Y/N: How do you guys expect to take down Hydra if you can't even fight?

Cloak: Sorry that we lack your experience. We've only been doing this for a few weeks now.

Molly: It doesn't help that big and hairy pushes us to our limit before the sun even rises.

Victor: Oh I'm sorry. Do you need a bandaid? Your enemies don't care how tired you are or rather or not you have experience.

You looked over the tired teens. It wasn't too long ago that you were in their shoes.

Y/N: You guys can only improve. Just, keep working at it.

They all nodded and headed towards the cabin with Cat following. You went to join them but Victor grabbed your shoulder.

Y/N: What's up?

Victor: These kids, are you sure about them?

Honestly you've seen better. You've also seen worse.

Y/N: Yeah. Molly is actually a pretty good fighter. Cloak and Dagger work well together to. They just aren't on our level yet.

Victor looked towards the house and nodded.

Victor: Perhaps we can give them some experience.

You raised a brow.

Victor: A contact of mine has located a Hydra base. Nothing too big but perfect for practice. Maybe you all can go check it out.

He walked away leaving you standing there in the field. You slowly started to smile.
Y/N: So, I need a new uniform.

Your old one just didn't fit anymore. Thanks to the muscle mass you have built during your time training with your father, the jacket was just too tight.

Cat: You're one to talk. I think my boobs got bigger.

You turned around and saw her struggling with zipping up her uniform. Yeah. You both needed new uniforms. You ended up tossing the jacket away and grabbed your jean jacket. Looks like it'll have to do for now. Cat finally got the zipper up and grabbed her mask.

Y/N: It's kinda weird seeing you in costume again. I almost forgot how good you looked in it.

Cat just winked at you and walked into the living room where you found Cloak and Dagger already prepared. Molly skipped out of her room as well. Looks like you and her were the only ones without uniforms.

Dagger: We got the location do Cloak will transport us there.

Cloak opened his, uh, cloak and the rest of you looked at Dagger.

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